Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Update To Pig In A Poke


Since I wrote Pig In A Poke, a few things have happened.

I saw yesterday that donnie is appealing the fraud judgement ($455,000,000).

I can't find anywhere, including doing AI assisted searches, that he has posted bond or put funds in escrow.  

The silence on that subject is deafening.

So I don't know what's going on there, but it would seem that, if donnie had come up with $455,000,000 from his own checkbook and put it in escrow that would been news.

It would have been even bigger news if some bonding agency had put up 4455,000,000 in bond.

And it would have been cosmically bigger news if the stupid, but real, billionaire that I hypothesized in Pig In A Poke actually materialized.

So I have to take the silence on the subject to mean none of those things have happened.

(I heard of a candidate that I hadn't thought of when I wrote Pig: MBS; he gave Jared Kurchner two billion dollars; and MBS isn't stupid; I'm pretty sure that the Ts & Cs he would get donnie to commit to would resemble deals known to have been cut with the devil, so MBS would get value - the go ahead to make nuclear weapons, or, donnie being donnie - "brilliant bidnessman" - a multi-year volume purchase agreement for nuclear warheads to buy them from donnie; the unitary executive, after all owns all the inventory.)

My best guess is that he is indulging in what he thinks is a brilliant financial/legal finesse - starting the process and waiting for someone to ask for the money - that will buy him a little time while the judgement with the earlier suspense date gets taken care of.

That judgement is the E. Jean Carol $83,000,000 one.

There he has made a faux move toward appeal but is saying he won't post bond because he is too rich to need to post bond.

That judgement comes due on March 12.

There is more.

The investigative journalist and Syracuse Law lecturer, David Cay Johnston, has suggested that donald trump is likely to declare personal bankruptcy on March 12 in order to delay paying the fraud damage awards. 

Mr. Johnston also pointed out that the deadline for trump to appeal the order to pay $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll is Monday, March 12.

So that is the last day for him to declare bankruptcy and fend off for a while both the E. Jean Carol judgement and the fraud judgement.

I heard Mr. Johnston talk about this this evening on a You Tube video podcast.

It seems that the donald has found another way to delay.

Delay for what, you might ask.

According to Mr. Johnston, to delay everything he can every way he can until 5 November when he thinks he is going to re-gain the presidency and then be able to make all his indictments go away by pardoning himself and judgments go away by getting Congress to pass laws to pay his judgements.

Kinda like the family business.

And once he gets that out of the way he can get on about ruining America.

Completely and permanently. 

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