Sunday, March 24, 2024

Joe The Spider Guy?

From Newsweek: 

"Donald Trump has said that President Joe Biden had crossed a "sacred threshold" of illegality over his alleged backing legal action against him.

"The former president lashed out at the incumbent in a blistering post on his social media platform, Truth Social, as he faces multiple federal indictments.

"He wrote: 'At what point are the actions of a sitting president, using LAWFARE against his opponent for purposes of election Interference, considered ILLEGAL? I believe, as do various highly respected legal scholars, that Crooked Joe Biden has long since crossed over that very sacred threshold!!!'"

Newsweek followed:

"While Trump has sought to blame the president for the indictments, the charges against him have been brought by grand juries in Georgia, Washington D.C., Florida and Manhattan."

So, according to donnie, Joe Biden is either a senescent, doddering incompetent, OR the mastermind, spider-like presence sitting at the center of a vast international, family run (sound like donnie?) crime web, OR the mastermind of a generation spanning software conspiracy that, with the help of Hugo Chavez, rigged the results of every precinct in America during the 2020 general election, OR a brilliant barrister who has rigged all the courts in the land to attack poor little donnie with outrageous lawsuits.

Or maybe all of the above?

Why don't we give the country a break and tell donnie that if he drops out of running for president he can have a lifetime contract, funded by the American people, (you know, give him a big advance, maybe $453 million) to work in tandem with Ken Burns on a documentary covering all aspects of these various tales, and titled Joe the Spider Guy?

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