Saturday, March 2, 2024

Leaving Facebook

I left this post on Facebook overnight recently.

And then I deleted it in the morning.

Trying to mount that sort of discourse on FB just makes one look ridiculous.


For a long time now - since sometime in 2017 - I have not been a very frequent user of FB.

There is a reason for that: somewhere in early 2Q 2017 I realized that I was becoming unhinged about donnie the dildo.

No matter how appropriate my revulsion for that monumental manifestation of slime might have been, and remains to be, becoming an irrational poster of five or six fiery FB posts decrying donnie's most recent (then) transgressions - DURING THE DINNER PREPARATION HOUR - was obviously, to me, the first slippery step on the road to oblivion.

So, I moved FB to the last screen on my iPhone, quit posting, and doubled down on my blog.

The advantage of the blog was that I had to think a little bit about what I was trying to say, and, more important, I had to try to craft what I was trying to say in decent English.  

That meant that time became the saucer in which my fiery prose could cool.  

A blog post takes longer than a burst of fiery FB emotion. 

I am posting this to call your attention to something important to me: if I post to FB at all, it is most often my blog, and I have cooled that blog post in the saucer of time, thought and revision, and have deemed it nevertheless of sufficient consequence and quality to be something that my FB friends, who as far as I have been able to divine, all have superior intellects, might find to be of use in their pursuit of some overall worldview. 

I have sensed that my image posts to FB have a far wider acceptance than my views as posted from my blog.  

And that is understandable. 

A picture of a cathedral, or a flower, or a Gibson martini is a lot easier to digest and a lot more fun than some saucer cooled discussion of Israel's most recent massacre of Palestinians, but, for god's sake, we are in trouble here. 

And maybe reading one person's saucer-cooled thoughts, added to the thoughts of actual, responsible journalists and thinkers, and actual responsible publications, all of which I hope you access, and video clips from real responsible news sources will save us.  

I don't know.  

I just hope.

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