The ambience of the PBS Newshour on 5 November, about 20:00 pretty much said that Kamala was losing.
So I went to bed and watched the movie Dave on my iPhone.
Great movie.
I woke up next day and, sure enough, donnie is back.
But this time it's different.
He won the popular vote.
So a majority of Americans who voted want donnie to do what he has said he is going to do and deeply expect to benefit from what he has said he is going to do.
At least that's what I have heard them say in all the election postmortems that I have heard.
Just to pick one of the things he has committed to deliver, immediate reduction of inflation (the way he has posed it, that promise is not the rate of inflation, but prices; the price of things have never come down in a significant manner after a bout of inflation in history except in a major depression) is describable, observable and measurable.
He has the Senate.
He has the Court.
He has the House.
So he can do whatever he wants.
And that is a better thing than it sounds on the surface, because: he is clearly committed to defined results.
That he interminably shrieked at his various fascist love fests.
And we can measure what his regime does and what it accomplishes and decide (at least in a hypothetical sense) whether we want to keep him or when he fails (immediate disinflation never having been seen on this planet) or kill him and hang him up in the town square and gut him like the pig that he is, just like the Italians did to Mussolini.
That's how strong man countries treat their strong men.
And when the strong men turn out to be weak, stupid, full of shit and don't deliver.
On their promises.
And since he has signed us up for strong man country membership, we get to treat him like they have always been treated.
Looking forward to the hog roast.