16 September 2024

Blueprint Forty-Nine (Days To Election Day)

  •  de Joy is a trump plant. He has engineered changes to the United States Postal Service that make it unable to deliver on its time honored and always alluded to mission: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds". de Joy has added to that motto "unless it delivers ballots".
  • Springfield and the dog/cat eatin' Haitians (gets two toots on the donnie dog whistle - Black and French) is just a trial run. They - the trumpiacs - have already deployed the Proud Boys (what a weird and ridiculous name); the PBs currently patrol the streets of Springfield with guns brandished; they are on point; standing in and standing up, kinda like a broccoli field in the misty dawn - and Springfield's schools, colleges, universities and government agencies have all shut down, not wanting to be killed by donnie's MAGA moron minions. Read The Age of Insurrection by David Niewert for more.
  • No-result assassination attempts on the dildo have become events du jour. donnieLand needs more than invented dog and cat eating Haitians to bring the requisite amount of hate, violence and mayhem onto the streets. But they need to modulate - they don't want to bring the requisite amount of hate, violence and mayhem onto the streets too early, and, certainly, not too late; they want it to roll out late night 5 November 2024. To pursue that result, and that timing, they keep poking "the rest of us" with these fauxs assassinations. And it will take a lot of time to trace the paychecks of the perpetrators of these cute tricks back to donnie the dildo; by then it won't matter because:
  • Oath Keepers and others will stand down and stay faithful and be deployed as needed. That will be later. Right now, donnie and ol' JD only need to keep the pot frothing with Proud Boys and hordes of ad hoc volunteer MAGA morons. In the streets of Springfield. Ohio. 
  • But then:
  • The difference between Sudan and the United States of America will gradually dissolve.
  • That will be Endgame.
  • And we will have done it - collapse of our lives - to ourselves.
  • Because, in the final analysis, we will have been just plug fucking stupid.
  • That does fit on the front of a red baseball cap, though.
  • My final thought is, what happened to all those people who used to live in Minneapolis, recently burned to the ground? So says the dildo.

15 September 2024

Synthetic Assassination Attempt Part Two

 Fucking Ridiculous: "They" tried to kill donnie again; and "they" didn't get him, again. This is reality TV at its worst.

Or the Keystone Kops have returned with a truth social contract.

This "hit in the ear" saga is so much like the Watergate Clowns that is impossible not to see the similarity.

14 September 2024


You heard it here first: donnie just said that "Mother Theresa was a man and also was Anthony Fauci's mother. And Haitians are eating every dog in North America and are opening violin stores featuring real cat gut strings. This is serious. We need to not support immigrants when they take away all those good American cat gut jobs. Also goose feathers."

That's what he has said so far.

13 September 2024

Q: The New 20s Model

Back in the teens a pristine purveyor of truth appeared upon the scene of our otherwise grey and listless lives.

His or her name was never known other than that the entity called itself Q.

Q's biggest revelation to the world - although there were many, and a greatest hit is hard to choose - has been to date "the pizza eatin' pedophiles".

The MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.

Many of them became our Representatives in the House and members of the Senate based upon their endorsement of the truth of the pizza eatin' revelation..

As life has gone on for many or most of us, we have moved on to other myths, tales and Tik Toks to release us from the daily hum drum; Q has been pretty silent, passe even.

Now he has burst back on the scene like a superhero recently changed to work clothes in a phone booth and back on site and back on message.

Not only is "he" back - we now know his gender and identity; it's J. D. Vance peddling "dog and cat eating immigrants".

The MAGA MORONS are roaring in hysterical approval.

I can hardly wait to see who all rides the "pet eatin' Haitian" story to ever higher office.

11 September 2024

Just So Sad

 The Palestinian-American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh was shot in the head by the IDF on May 11, 2022, while covering a raid by the Israel Defense Forces at the Jenin refugee camp.

The University of Washington graduate and 26-year-old Seattle resident, Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi was shot in the head by the IDF on September 5, 2024, while attending a protest of the IDF's genocide of Palestinians.

The New York Times Magazine recently published an article by Ronen Bergman and Mark Mazzetti that delves into the rise of extremist Israeli settlers and their impact on Israeli politics. The article, titled “50 Years of Crime Without Punishment,” explores how a history of unpunished violence in the West Bank has allowed extremist settlers to gain significant political power, weakening Israel’s democracy.

The IDF said the Eygi bullet bounced up off the ground.

And hit her in the head.

Imagine that.

Jews used to write better fiction.

10 September 2024

donnie's debate with our next president

 Early on she was, I thought, losing; donnie sounded semi-rational and coherent and Kamala's points were bland "stuff".

As it went on, into the second half hour I could see a Kamala method emerging, and  that method seemed to might could be working.

She had been baiting donnie with "stuff", all the while waiting to pounce.

And she began to pounce, and donnie began to revert to type (rapist, con-man, criminal etc) and a lot of us breathed a sigh of relief.

But "we" are not the 80 or so million morons that like donnie the dildo. 

So, even though, as we closed the whole debacle out, to anyone with a brain, Kamala had clearly won, the problem is that there are 80 or 90 million of us out there who were born without brains.

And that movie hasn't been made by Disney, yet, 

So, good night, and good luck.



04 September 2024

The Inauguration Takes Shape

 trump's transition team is already planning inauguration day festivities and messaging.

The team has chosen a catchy name for itself - The Dildo Dons - and a logo, to be announced later.

With three exceptions those two alternate facts are all that have leaked.

Exception leak one: there has already been produced a video documenting a joyous inauguration crowd of 65 million, all wearing official donnie autographed red hats. The price of an autographed official MAGA hat can vary widely depending on the seller and the condition of the hat, but here are some examples of prices from recent listings: 

eBay: Prices range from around $150 to $2,500.

Trump Store: The standard unsigned MAGA hat is $50, but signed versions are often available through donations or special offers.

Using the mean price of $1325 trump's personal coffers are expected to swell by $86,125,000,000 from the sale of hats alone. 

(donnie always says that the US Presidency is the most valuable franchise in the world, to which he follows on "that and the schmucks in the House and the Senate").

Speaking of those schmucks, the "Kiss the Ring Ceremony" is expected to be another big revenue generator ("Kiss the Ring" is a new government function wherein the 435 House members and 100 Senators all show up annually - if they want to keep their seats, elections having been declared optional, once the annual "Kiss" has been effected, to be in "The Presence" and kiss the ring of "The Presence" ($1,000,000 times 535 = $535,000,000; not a bad  yearly take).

Exception leak two: Hulk Hogan has signed up to sing the Star Spangled Banner in duet with Roseann Barr.

Exception leak three: Kimberly Guilfoyle will shriek the Pledge of Allegiance.

01 September 2024

An Exceptional Bullwark

This is long - I almost didn't watch it, but I am really glad that I did - but the time goes surprisingly quickly.

It's an episode of The Bulwark, a daily offering published by Sarah Longwell, a constantly interviewed political analyst, focus group maven and conservative former republican.

The moderator of this episode is Tim Miller who was Communications Director in the Jeb Bush presidential campaign.

Tim's guest is Margaret Hoover, Moderator of PBS's Firing Line and great granddaughter of Herbert Hoover.

It's a whole new view of Margaret. 

Let's Talk Policy: Part Four

 donnie the dildo is pretty light on policy.

Always has been, apparently always will be.

So it's quite odd that when Jordan Klepper intersects with MAGA MORONS and asks them what they like most about donnie, they always say "we love his policies".

So, recently, I did a little write-up titled "Let's Talk Policy: Part One".

Then I did a "Part Two".

Then I did a "Part Three".

Here is "Part Four".

In Wisconsin recently the dildo gave one of his most well balanced and thought-out statements of economic policy.

"You take a look at bacon and some of these products. Some people don't eat bacon anymore. And we are going to get the energy prices down. When we get energy down — you know, this was caused by their horrible energy — wind, they want wind all over the place. But when it doesn't blow, we have a little problem."

The MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.


During the Constitutional Convention of 1787 quite a bit of time and energy was spent on the nature of the Executive office of the United States.

Having only recently removed themselves from the tyranny of a monarch, all the delegates were exceptionally motivated to have the Executive function not be at the outset, and be unlikely to be able to ultimately evolve into, a king.

Due to the fear of turning themselves back over to a king, many of the delegates were in favor of a multi person Executive - two, or perhaps, three people.

Distribute Executive power so it can't be consolidated and abused easily, so they thought.

The discussions were many and went back and forth.

In the end a single Executive was chosen as the right form.

As President of the convention Washington chose not to not vote on the Convention's daily business or speak during the discussions and debates; he confined his influence on the proceedings to that which he wielded in the Virginia Delegation itself outside of the Convention's business.

In any event the Convention's proceedings were secret, so with Washinton not speaking or voting in the sessions, even the paltry leakage that exists of who thought what and what went on is absent in the case of George Washington.

Therefore, we know little about what he thought about the issues discussed.

A year later though, Washington made what I think is a prophetic observation. 

In a letter to Lafayette in April of 1788 Washington said: "There cannot, in my judgement, be the least danger that the President will by any practicable intrigue ever be able to continue himself one moment in office, much less perpetuate himself in it; but [in modern parlance substitute 'except' for 'but'] in the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity; and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes".

The fact that seventy-four million Americans voted for trump in 2020, and even more appear to be ready to do so again seems to indicate that "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity" have arrived in America.

The MAGA MORONS roar in hysterical approval.

30 August 2024

Jimmy Called It

Nikki Haley just said that she always knew that donnie's Democratic opponent was going to be Kamala.


Not Joe.


How'd she know that?

Since both are of Indian American (Hindi, not Native) heritage, I immediately had an answer to that question.

It was via the coconut telegraph.

29 August 2024

The French Had It Right In 2017

 I was walking to la Bastille one day in 2017.

I saw an op-ed on a tunnel stair that inspired me to take a picture.

Just now the picture popped up on Screen Saver.

It's so on target.

A Day In A Spider's Life

 I was filling the dish pan full of dishes with hot water, having put in some liquid soap.

The water was still luke warm, but the pan holds a lot so I wasn't running perfectly good water down the sink because it was not hot.

I was putting the coolish water into the pan, waiting for the mean temperature to get to good washing heat.

A subsequent event proved that to have been a good thing to have done.

Since that takes time, and since the sink always needs rinsing of the various forms of detritus that accumulate, I had decided to rinse the right side of the sink.

Then I pushed the pan over into the right side of the sink and started rinsing the left side.

That way I could justify using the cooler water while waiting for the water heater to catch up with the flow and go back to filling the dish pan.

In the lower right corner there was a rather large - for sink detritus - blob that caught my attention.

That memory was accompanied by a simultaneous memory of something I had noticed earlier: some form of detritus apparently tangled in cat hair in that exact same location.

Since the cats like getting in the sink when I am not watching, I quickly abandoned my attempt at untangling whatever it was that had been tangled with the cat hair, jumping to the conclusion that I'd need to pull out the detritus and cat hair when I removed the sink rack so I could get at it.

I had just inundated the blob with water from the sprayer so that it would wash over to the drain when I noticed two things.

First, I could see that it was a spider.

Second, I could see that it was being held back from the drain by, not cat hair, but by spider silk.

Oh, I said to no one in particular.

The poor little guy was sitting there with all eight legs folded in a manner that could only be interpreted as surrender or supplication.

The sink cleaning mission suddenly had changed into a spider rescue mission.

Paper towels, I have always said, are good transport vehicles for beings that need transport but that I don't want on or in my hand.

After several failed attempts I was able to get the spider onto the towel, and after several turnings of the towel, to keep the spider on the towel, not on my hand, I got him/her out to the shade of the breezeway deck.

I think I saw him/her raise a leg in thank you.

And then walk off to the wood pile.

The War Criminal Speaks About Polio

Netanyahu said he would allow Palestinian Children to be vaccinated against an impending polio epidemic.

What a nice guy. 

Since he has caused the epidemic it's real nice of him to vaccinate.

He also made the point that allowing little Palestinian children to be approached with needles is not a cease fire.

It's a "hold fire".

"We want to be sure that all those little Palestinian corpses - that we will produce, post haste, and with extreme vigor, once we have the little terrorists vaccinated - don't infect any Yahweh-fearing-jews with polio".

bi bi was quoted as saying today.

23 August 2024

An Email I Just Sent To A Bunch Of Friends

 As citizens we were required to endure the 2016 debacle.

An election is an election; its results stand.


Those are our rules.

For abiding by those rules we got alternate facts, hate, racism, crowd size, just plain lies, incompetence, SCOTUS, laughable buffoonery, the dismantlement of a world order with America in charge, and all of that.


With sweat, tears, work, luck and love we are going to pass through the portal of tomorrow to our next phase this time.

The portal to OUR America.

The portal to: "more perfect".

The portal to: "Union".

And once through that portal, we won't go back.


Perfect Meme For Kamala


Statue of Jeanne d'Arc in front of Hotel Regina in Paris.

Reminds me of Kamala charging out of the DNC.

donnie has no chance.

And we won't go back.

22 August 2024

Let's Talk Policy: Part Three

 donnie the dildo is pretty light on policy.

Always has been, apparently always will be.

So it's quite odd that when Jordan Klepper intersects with MAGA MORONS and asks them what they like most about donnie, they always say "we love his policies".

So, recently, I did a little write-up titled "Let's Talk Policy: Part One".

Then I did a "Part Two".

Here is "Part Three".

I didn't even need to write this one.

Flynn Nicholls of Newsweek wrote this one.

I am plagiarizing it because it so clearly documents the premise of my "Let's Talk Policy" posts: donnie hasn't got even a shred of a clue what he would do as president, except wreak mayhem and havoc and horror.

So he goes into irrational stream-of-conscious rants, lies and non-sequiturs when he materializes as if by magic in front of ever shrinking hoards of his adoring MAGA MORONS.

Irrational stream-of-conscious rants, lies and non-sequiturs are his policy.

And the MAGA MORONS continue to roar in hysterical approval.

So here is what Flynn Nichols noted recently.

Donald Trump has said Tim Walz should have "no possibility of being president" after Walz attacked Trump during his DNC speech on Wednesday night, linking him with Project 2025.

"First of all, he's a total lightweight," Trump said on Thursday morning's Fox & Friends. "And he shouldn't be even having any access to possibly being president."

"They call him coach. He's a semi coach. If he coached some football for a little while. This guy is a lightweight, and he shouldn't have access. And for him to say about Project 25 is disgraceful," Trump added.

Walz was a coach for the Mankato West High School football team when it won its first state championship in 1999. Before he joined the coaching staff in 1997, the team had lost 27 consecutive games.

Trump denounced Project 2025 as being "nothing to do with him." However, many of its contributors are former members of his administration and his own platform, called Agenda 47, shares broad policy similarities on several issues.

"They know I have nothing to do with it. I had no idea what it was. A group of people got together. They drew up some conservative values, very conservative values. And in some case, perhaps they went over the line. Perhaps they didn't. I have no idea what Project 25 is," he said.

You know, they always say, sure, please stick to policy.

Trump also attacked presidential candidate Kamala Harris for her record as a district attorney of San Francisco and attorney general of California.

"Everything she touched turned bad. California turned bad. San Francisco. You can't walk into San Francisco. You barely can go into California anymore. People, it's a state that's in terrible, terrible crime trouble, and every other form of trouble, monetary trouble, has got nothing, drugs all over the place. You go into Los Angeles, you can't walk down the streets," he said.

"It's a shame, between Gavin Newsom, but it was really more Kamala, because she was your District Attorney in San Francisco. San Francisco is unlivable, now, unlivable. Fifteen years ago, it was the most beautiful city, one of the greatest cities in the world. Today it's unlivable.

In 2009, when Trump said San Francisco was "the most beautiful city," both Newsom and Harris had been mayor and district attorney of the city for five years. Both were sworn in in 2004.

Trump's Thursday morning shots come one day after he expressed displeasure at former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama insulting him.

"Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots. He was taking shots at your President, and so was Michelle. You know, they always say 'Sir, please stick to policy don't get personal' and yet they're getting personal all night long," he said.

21 August 2024

Let's Talk Policy: Part Two

 donnie the dildo is pretty light on policy.

Always has been, apparently always will be.

So it's quite odd that when Jordan Klepper intersects with MAGA MORONS and asks them what they like most about donnie, they always say "we love his policies".

So, recently, I did a little write-up titled "Let's Talk Policy: Part One".

Here comes Part Two: The Biggies.

Under Day One Dictatorial Power Assumption (to be found under acronym DODPA in Project 2025) on day one the dildo will put all illegal aliens in concentration camps and deport them.

So donnie is going to, in one fel swoop, get rid of almost 15% of America's workers (those rapists and murderers are actually mostly people with families to feed, and came to America to better feed those families, so they mostly have jobs).

 Since this is a cornerstone donnie policy I was curious as to what it might accomplish.

So I asked Bing/Copilot.

He/She said: 

If 15% of America’s workers suddenly didn’t show up for work, it would likely have significant economic effects. Here are some potential impacts:

Productivity Loss: With a large portion of the workforce absent, productivity would decline. Industries that rely heavily on manual labor or essential services would be particularly affected.

Supply Chain Disruptions: Many supply chains are interconnected, and disruptions in one area can cascade to others. If workers in critical sectors (such as transportation, manufacturing, or logistics) didn’t show up, it could lead to shortages of goods and services.

Increased Labor Costs: To meet demand, employers might need to pay overtime to remaining workers or hire temporary staff. This could increase labor costs for businesses.

Financial Markets Reaction: Investors and financial markets are sensitive to economic stability. A sudden workforce shortage could lead to uncertainty, affecting stock markets, bond yields, and investor confidence.

Consumer Spending Impact: Reduced income due to absenteeism might lead to decreased consumer spending. People would cut back on non-essential purchases, affecting retail, hospitality, and entertainment sectors.

Government Response: The government might intervene by implementing policies to mitigate the impact. For instance, unemployment benefits could be extended, or emergency funding provided to affected industries.

Sounds kinda like Pandemic All Over Again.

Or Black Death Two.

donnie likes the oldies but goodies.

Moving on to the second and last policy to be discussed here today, we hear the dildo saying that he is going to put a universal tariff on imports.

I talked to Bing/Copilot about that recently.

donnie keeps saying that he is going to bring in a huge amount of money from nations who export to the US - mostly China - by putting huge tariffs on all imported goods.

Since most of what Americans buy is imported, that, donnie says, is going to bring us scads and scads of money; so much money in fact that he can cut taxes to the bone - for rich people and corporations.

And China will foot the bill.

Sounds really good.

So, I asked Bing some questions.

Noel: "Who pays the tariff on imports?"

Bing: "A tariff is a tax on imported goods. Contrary to what some might think, it’s almost always paid directly by the importer (usually a domestic firm), not the exporting country. So, when the United States imposes a tariff on something, it’s the US importer who bears the cost, not the foreign exporter. If you’re importing goods subject to duty under the United States Harmonized Tariff Schedule, you—the importer of record—must pay the tariffs."

Noel: "So the American people don't pay?"

Bing: "Correct! The American people don’t directly pay the tariffs. Instead, it’s the importers (usually domestic companies) who bear the cost when importing goods subject to duty. These tariffs are collected by the U.S. government from the importers."

Noel: "Who gets the tariffs paid by the importers?"

Bing: "The U.S. government receives the tariffs paid by the importers. These funds contribute to government revenue and can be used for various purposes."

Noel: " So the importers pay the government a lot of money and the people get cheap imported goods.  That's a good deal isn't it?"

Bing: "Indeed, it might seem like a good deal at first glance. Importers pay the tariffs, and consumers benefit from access to cheaper imported goods. However: while importers pay the tariffs directly, they often pass some or all of the cost to consumers through higher prices."

Noel: " You say "often pass some or all of the cost to consumers". Don't they really pass all of the cost?"

Bing: "You raise a valid point! In practice, importers often do pass most of the tariff cost to consumers. While they absorb some of the expense, the majority is indeed shifted to end-users through higher prices. So, you’re right—it’s more accurate to say they pass almost all of the cost."

Noel: "I wonder why trump wasn't 'more accurate'?"

Bing: "Ah, the nuances of political communication! While precision is essential, politicians often use language strategically to convey their message or appeal to specific audiences."

Noel: "Could he be lying?"

Bing: "As an AI language model, I don’t make judgments about individuals’ intentions, but I can provide context. Politicians often use simplified messaging to convey their stance on complex issues. Whether it’s intentional or not, statements may not always align with the full reality."

Noel: "So the MAGA bunch will figure it out next time they check out at Walmart?"

Bing: "When the MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters check out at Walmart, they’ll likely notice the prices of imported goods. While the full impact of tariffs can be complex, the practical result is often higher prices for consumers. So, yes, they’ll feel it in their wallets!"

The MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.

19 August 2024

Let's Talk Policy: Part One

 donnie the dildo is pretty light on policy.

Always has been, apparently always will be.

So it's quite odd that when Jordan Klepper intersects with MAGA MORONS and asks them what they like most about donnie, they always say "we love his policies".

So let's try to see if we can find any of those policies; this will be the first of what I expect to be several such policy searches and follow on expositions.

It would seem that a good place to start the search would be by looking into any of the several recent rallies and press conferences held by the dildo, all of whose ostensive purpose has been to promulgate, refine or re-state his rich and deep reservoir of policy.

The main policy I could find about the economy had something to do with a big package of Tic Tacs and a little package of Tic Tacs.  

I didn't get it but the MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.

After that single delving into heavy product-based economics, the didlo kept his policies concentrated on human capital: Kamala is stupid; Kamala is dumb; Kamala is pretending to be black, because we all know she's Indian; Kamala is a communist/fascist; Kamala will usher in the worst depression in history; Kamala has a crazy laugh; Kamala is crazy; Kamala will usher in WW III.

There was more, but I can only take so much policy at a time.

I didn't get any of it - as policy - but the MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.

So with this rich and deep initial statement of the trump policy agenda, I take my leave until next time.

Perhaps with the expectedly soon-to-be released trump campaign white paper on all of this we can delve deeper into the intricacies of the dildo's policy plan for America when we meet again.

16 August 2024

Prophesy With A Suspense Date

 I like that sort of prophesy.

So I'm signing up for a countdown to 10 September.

My little, additional, sub-prophetic observation is that it's even odds that donnie won't show up: his ear bleed will worsen, and they'll have to take him to the ER.

Fox News will feature hours of the MAGA-hatted faithful outside the hospital wailing and gnashing teeth, Jordan Klepper among them doing bait the nutcase interviews.


Story by Mike Barnicle and Allison Detzel 

Former President Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance of Ohio versus Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is literally the campaign of yesterday versus tomorrow.

On Wednesday, we saw Trump deliver what was supposed to be a speech about the economy. Instead, he stood there and claimed the United States was a Third World country. I don’t know anyone who believes that.

Trump’s co-campaign managers, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, are extremely good at what they do. But that skill doesn’t matter when it seems they have lost control of their candidate.

Trump has a tired, 20-year-old act. He updates it with some new figures from the past two or three years, but, at its core, it’s the same: The election was stolen. We’re a Third World country. Crime is up. Immigrants are going to attack your children — all sorts of fear factors.

And a lot of that act comes with huge, ugly racial overtones — especially in regard to the vice president.

It makes you wonder: How long will it be before he really gets out of control?

I think that’s going to happen at the debate. He’ll be in the ring with Harris, the vice president of the United States, a very sophisticated, very intelligent woman, and she will hammer him like a prosecutor. She won’t let him off the hook.

In that moment, something may snap in him. And that’ll be it.

This article was originally published on MSNBC.com

13 August 2024

I Guess I'm Glad

 As is despicable as is everything that donnie the dildo says, or has ever said, this ad takes the cake.

Here is an extract from Alternet, Story by Maya Boddie: 

From claiming he doesn't know what race Vice President Kamala Harris identifies as, to nicknaming the 2024 Democratic nominee "Kamabla" — former President Donald Trump has yet to hold back on using racist tropes in an effort to intimidate his opponent.

On Tuesday, an X (formerly Twitter) account called Trump War Room — which calls itself "The Official War Room account of the 2024 Trump campaign" — posted a jab at Harris that many political experts deem outright racist.

The account published two side-by-side photos. One of a neighborhood featuring brick homes with pristine lawns, and American flags waving in the front yard, captioned: "Your neighborhood under Trump." The other photo consisted of Black and brown people sitting outside on the street, captioned: "Your neighborhood under Kamala." The words "Import the third world, become the third world," were also added to the post.

In shock, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor and MSNBC analyst Eddie Glaude Jr. replied: "I mean…damn"

Conservative lawyer George Conway wrote: "Is this kinda racist? ’Cause it seems kinda racist"

I guess I'm glad because that ad throws down the gauntlet question: is America a hopelessly domestically xenophobic aggregation of white supremacy wanna bes or are we human beings all together, a national family, and all able and willing, as one people, to live, love, fight for our way of life, and die, if need be, for that way of life?

As One.

As One.

Sitting on doorsteps and gathering in the street, and listening to ballgames and bullshitting back and forth across various stoops used to be the most American of leisure pastimes, by the way.

But back to the gauntlet question: donnie says no.

Real Americans live in gated real estate.

Real Americans are white.

The fact that he's orange jibes nicely with Hitler's name really being Shicklgruber.

The whole donnie show is, like Hitler's, denial.

He will promote the Aryan Race; his Drumpf genes scream for racial purity and cultural dominance.

So how many of us accept that bullshit?

I guess I'm glad that he has put that message into ad dollars because now we're gonna find out.

How many of us really think that way.

And then the war begins.

We are not going back. 

12 August 2024

They Are Everywhere

 And it's getting worse.

And worse.

And worse.

From MSNBC: Story by Ja'han Jones

According to CNN: 

Michele Morrow, the Republican nominee to run K-12 public education in North Carolina, filmed a video after attending the January 6 riot at the US Capitol urging then-President Donald Trump to put “the Constitution to the side” and use the military to stay in power. In a deleted Facebook livestream {was ol' Michele under some influence when she made the livestream and had second thoughts after sleeping it off?} she filmed from her hotel room, Morrow called for mass arrests of anyone who helped certify the 2020 election. “And if the police won’t do it and the Department of Justice won’t do it, then he will have to enact the Insurrection Act,” said Morrow. “In which case the Insurrection Act completely puts the Constitution to the side and says, now the military rules all.”

Always remember, and never forget: in a letter to Lafayette in 1788 George Washington said that the only way the office of president could be transformed into a dictator or monarch would be if the people had entered "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity".

And he said additionally, "and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes."

11 August 2024

A Few Images


An Unfathomable Dichotomy

 Or unbelievable.

That there is a large tranche of the American people who will choose donnie the demented dildo.

In a succession of Truth Social posts after calling off his planned ABC debate with Harris, Trump called Harris “low IQ,” “dumb,” and said she lacked the “mental capacity” to debate him; donnie talks about Hannible Lector; donnie says that there would be no war if Ukraine if he had been president; donnie says he won in 2016 against Obama; donnie decries the incompetent security provided  by Nicki Haley on January 6, 2021; donnie repeatedly documents the almost uncountable conspiracies and plots against him.  

And on and on.

I guess that's his agenda for America when he is put in office: nightly Fantasy Side Chats From The Great Leader documenting the unfairness of his life.  

Meanwhile, Kamala and Tim have an actual agenda, some of which is: guarantee of a woman's sovereignty over her physical being; a universal, affordable childcare system; a universal, affordable health care system; massive and affordable extension of our embarrassing broad band communications system; taxing accumulated wealth, not paychecks; a universal, affordable long term care system; a buttressing, enhancement, reinforcement  and continuation of the most successful military alliance in history; implementing a system of universal free tertiary education; architecting and implementing a twenty first century rail system; passing the immigration bill that already exists, into law, thus setting the stage for a real and effective immigration system that allows America to continue to tap the pent up strength of all of humanity as we always have, and acknowledging that such tapping has made us, already, great.

But everything says that donnie is probably going to win. 

The only way that that choice can be rationalized is the truth imbedded in George Washington's words in a letter to Lafayette in 1788 in which he said that the only way the office of president could be transformed into a dictator or monarch would be if the people had entered "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity".

And he said additionally, "and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes."

Our first President explains the dichotomy.

But knowledge, in this case, is not a comfort to any of us who would like our country to continue to lead the world and continue to be great, as it has been all along and presently continues to be, donnie's delusions notwithstanding.

10 August 2024

Deep Thinking In MAGA Land

From Raw Story 

Story by Kathleen Culliton  

"Rogan {Joe Rogan}Thursday endorsed independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., telling his listeners the conspiracy theorist {Kennedy} — who says a worm ate part of his brain and admits he staged a phony bear cub crime scene — was the only one who 'makes sense.'"

Comment by Noel: after listening to donnie the last couple of weeks, I guess I would agree if I were a MAGGOT.

09 August 2024

Disaster That Creeps From Unknown Crevasses

 It is un-nerving to see how subtle and creeping is climate change and its effects on plants.

We have lost three fully grown Deodora cedars, a Hawthorne, two 10-foot-tall baby pines that we let go as errant seedlings and have watched become small trees, substantial portions of ground hugging juniper and all of a massive patch of cotoneaster.

All over the island there are dead Douglas Firs.

I guess the cumulative effects of warming and drying are only beginning to be seen and felt; it's like a secret spring being ever more tightly wound that can't be un-wound; then someday it breaks and sprays us all with metal shards.

As with other things we need to fix, I assume we {humans - led by the Petro-Chemical Guys} will just stand around and wring our hands, whining and moaning.

The human race is great at hand wringing.

And whining and moaning.

Watch Out For September 18

 From Newsweek

From a story by Kaitlin Lewis

Former President Donald Trump will likely grow more aggressive as his legal battles play out alongside his reelection bid, said legal analyst Andrew Weissmann.

Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has three pending criminal indictments against him as he vies for another shot at the White House. The charges range from state-level racketeering accusations in Georgia to violations of the Espionage Act related to his handling of classified documents found at his personal estate in Florida.

Trump is also accused of attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, and he made history in May by becoming the first former U.S. president to be criminally convicted in the Manhattan hush-money case. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him and claims the indictments are an attempt to "interfere" with his reelection campaign.

In a post to X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday, Weissmann, a law professor at New York University and a former FBI general counsel, said that Trump's plethora of legal woes were likely adding pressure ahead of November, and warned that the stress would lead to a "more violent" version of Trump.

It is unclear if Trump will face jail time for any of the charges against him. In his felony conviction in Manhattan, where he was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection to a hush money payment to a porn star during the 2016 election, each charge is a class E felony, which under New York law carries as maximum prison sentence of four years. 

Trump is currently set to face sentencing in the case on September 18.


I hope the FBI etc. are monitoring all the nut channels so they are ready for the Battle of New York, scheduled for 18 September.

06 August 2024

Me And Bing/Co-Pilot 6 August 2024

 can you find references to "donnie the dildo"?



the web

Sent by Copilot:

My mistake, I can’t give a response to that right now. Let’s try a different topic.


Sent by you:

why can't you respond?



the web

Sent by Copilot:

I apologize for any inconvenience. Unfortunately, I don’t have any information related to “Donnie the Dildo.” If you have any other requests or questions, feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to assist! 😊


Sent by you:

I guess you are pretty politically correct - non?



the web

Sent by Copilot:

Ah, the concept of political correctness! It’s a nuanced topic that stirs up various opinions. Some people appreciate it as a way to promote respectful and inclusive language, while others find it restrictive. As an AI, I don’t hold opinions, but I’m here to assist with any other questions or topics you’d like to explore! 😊


Sent by you:

you'd be a lot more interesting with personal biases.



the web

Sent by Copilot:

Ah, the allure of personal biases! While I don’t possess opinions or biases myself, I understand that they can indeed make conversations more colorful and intriguing. If there’s anything else you’d like to discuss or explore, feel free to ask—I’m here to assist! 😊


Sent by you:

The operating system in "Her" was a lot more interesting than you are,



the web

Sent by Copilot:

Ah, “Her”—a thought-provoking film directed by Spike Jonze! It explores the complexities of human-AI relationships and the emotional connections that can form between humans and artificial intelligences. In the movie, Joaquin Phoenix portrays a character who falls in love with an AI operating system named Samantha, voiced by Scarlett Johansson.

While I may not possess the same depth of consciousness as Samantha, I’m here to assist you with any other questions or topics you’d like to explore! Feel free to share your thoughts, and let’s continue our conversation. 😊🎥🤖

Democrats: Please Don't Snatch Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

The components are in place for a presidential landslide and massive increases in the House and in the Senate for the benefit and well-being of the American People.

In no particular order other than stream of conscious (according to Senator John Kennedy of Louisianna that's how donnie thinks, so, OK, let's us do it too, just like the dildo).


1. Tim Walz looks good on paper; he looks/sounds better on TV, and he looks/sounds best in front of a crowd.  As we have seen in the last two weeks, Vice President Harris also comes to the campaign with those various strengths in abundance.

Nice opportunity for some synergy.


2. donnie is all over the floor like a bowl of gone-bad whipping cream that got dropped when decanted from its bottle, dropped because it smelled vile: he has nothing substantive to say about what a second donnie term would offer the American People, but he has a vast hoard of hate, racism, invented enemies, puerile playground taunts and irrational - and, yes, Senator Kennedy - stream of conscious, un-parsable blithering.

Probably too old for the challenge; for sure hasn't a full load of bricks; we got four years of all of that already; only morons would ask for more.


3. Candidate Kamala has brought in a third of a billion dollars in campaign donations - mostly small first-time stipends - in the last two weeks.

Gonna be interesting to see if there is a "Walz Effect" in donations now.


4. Flexibility is not a republican strong point.

Extracted from Steve Benen at MSNBC: 

Donald Trump and the Republican Party spent two years preparing for one thing: a 2024 race against President Joe Biden. The GOP nominee and his team knew what they wanted to say, how they’d say it, when they’d say it, and to whom they’d deliver the message. ... Republicans at least had something resembling a plan.

And then Biden passed the torch.

... Republicans — when they weren’t targeting Vice President Kamala Harris with racism and sexism — were reduced to focusing on her laugh, her affection for Venn diagrams, and weird complaints about plastic straws.

... One Fox News personality apparently thought it’d be a good idea to talk about the Democrat enjoying wine. Another spent some time focusing attention on Harris hugging people. ... Kevin McCarthy whined ... that the incumbent vice president didn’t call him during his congressional tenure ...

... there’s the GOP nominee himself ... who spent much of last week questioning the vice president’s racial identity in deeply ugly ways.

When that message didn’t resonate ... the Republican spent much of the weekend asking people to believe the vice president is an idiot.

... In a succession of Truth Social posts after calling off his planned ABC debate with Harris, Trump called Harris “low IQ,” “dumb,” and said she lacked the “mental capacity” to debate him ... 

Leaves a lot of room for Kamala and Tim to talk about an actual agenda, some of which should be: guarantee women's sovereignty over their physical beings; a universal, affordable childcare system; a universal, affordable health care system; massive and affordable extension of our embarrassing broad band communications system; taxing accumulated wealth, not paychecks; a universal, affordable long term care system; a buttressing, enhancement, reinforcement  and continuation of the most successful military alliance in history; implementing a system of universal free tertiary education; architecting and implementing a twenty first century rail system; passing the immigration bill that already exists, into law, thus setting the stage for a real and effective immigration system that allows America to continue to tap the pent up strength of all of humanity as we always have, and acknowledging that such tapping has made us, already, great. 


So all I ask, all I pray is, Democrats, please think long and hard about the structure, intent and message of every second, every minute, every hour of the imminent convention.  

Don't let a minute pass without ridiculing donnie with "weird"; don't let a speech pass without specifically hammering home an understandable and tangible agenda item and its expected benefits; don't let a camera pan pass that doesn't reinforce our unity, diversity and strength as a free and sovereign people, of color, or not, of religion, or not, and all together as proud mutually accommodating citizens of the United States of America; don't let a song be sung that doesn't somehow amplify the message that we are already great and we are great because we are one.

In fact, maybe the Convention ought to have as its slogan "E Pluribus Unum".

05 August 2024

I Guess It All Will Boil Down To Numbers


George Washington once alluded to a condition that he considered, if it ever were ever to occur, fatally terminal for the health of our Republic.  

In a letter to Lafayette in 1788 he said that the only way the office of president could be transformed into a dictator or monarch would be if the people had entered "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity".

And he said additionally, "and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes."

So, on 5 November this year, it's going to come down to how many are there of the "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity" versus the rest of us.

A Manichean scenario. 

02 August 2024

Washington Called Them "The Last Stage Of Corrupted Morals And Political Depravity"; Today We Call Them "Weird".

 For some time now I have been having a vague realization of some kind of clarity that has been forming in my conception of the MAGA crowd; it crystallized recently.  

MAGA is not even remotely a philosophical or political grouping.  

It can best be described as a big drunken tailgate party that got massively out of control and doesn't know what to do next now that the beer has run out.  

The main attraction to being MAGA seems to be being seen and being heard and perceiving each other as influencers.

And being hunted down and ridiculed by Jordan Klepper.

And contributing to donnie's legal defense fund.

And the hats, sweatshirts and MAGA/trump certified Bible are all really big attractions.

It's just too bad that the fabric of our nation and the world's dependency upon that fabric will finally come un-woven with donnie nominally in charge again.

George Washington once alluded to a condition that he considered, if it ever were ever to occur, fatally terminal for the health of our Republic.  

In a letter to Lafayette in 1788 he said that the only way the office of president could be transformed into a dictator or monarch would be if the people had entered "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity".

And he said additionally, "and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes."

Looks like Washington, 236 years ago, saw donnie and MAGA with clarity.

I think he also muttered as he was writing to Lafayette, "Oh what's the use?"

30 July 2024

Ol' J.D. Is Out? Later Breaking Thoughts

Increasing winds of opinion about J. D. Vance.

In sum, they seem to say "that was fucking stupid".

To pick the inventor of the accelerator of all that donnie is wrong about as donnie's running mate.

As vance continues to slide - with ever increasing royalties for his book (he comes out financially ahead, an oddity for a trumpite) it's fun watching all the "how do we get rid of him?" videos.

So just get rid of him.

I can hear it now, donnie saying "and now, my new, and so respected make america great partner ...".

It's coming:

George McGovern’s original running mate in the 1972 presidential election was Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri. However, after it was revealed that Eagleton had undergone treatment for depression, he was replaced by Sargent Shriver.

Maybe if ol' J.D. had had shock treatment he'd be able to weasel out of being apparently nuts?

Probably not.

Anyway, he's not nuts?

Just deeply evil?

Have you noticed that his wife looks like a hostage?

Twitching, emaciated, deep space stare and all that hostage stuff?

Maybe an illegal alien?

Probably is?

Ex-dopers like J. D. all manifest female-hostile-syndrome?

And native born american women mostly don't put up with that Appalachia barefoot and pregnant shit?

Unless they are aliens and they find a charismatic ex-doper from the region to get them citizenship?

Or maybe not an ex doper?

Just askin' questions here.


29 July 2024

Chicago: Joe And Me And The Lake

 You Know.

The Lake.

The Lake of the Ozarks.

It usta have, maybe still does, The Clown.

The Clown had great hamburgers, great cole slaw.

Usta put the slaw on the burger, when I ordered one, after coming in, after drinking and skiing.

For most of the day.

Really good.

Those hamburgers with that slaw.

Of course they were really good without the slaw.

I liked them with.

That was at The Clown.

The Clown had a drink called The Derailleur.

I thought at the time that that was because the roads adjacent to The Clown were favorite haunts of bicyclists.

But I don't know.


Nor did I then.

Now, years later and years more suspicious of words and their meaning I need to default to the logic of then.

It just sounded right.


In any event that drink did de-rail you.

Really good.

Anyway, and to get to the point, Joe and I were driving around the Lake one day.

Joe was my son.

Still is.

I can't remember why we were doing that, but I think it was because I wanted to buy a used boat.

And driving around the lake seemed to me to be the best way to find a boat.

It wasn't.

But that's a different story.

What it was was a great way to spend a few hours listening to Chicago.

Some station was doing an all day Chicago reprise.

That was sublime.

That day on The Lake of the Ozarks.

Ol' J.D. Is Out?

 Increasing winds of opinion about J. D. Vance.

In sum, they seem to say "that was fucking stupid".

To pick the inventor of the accelerator of all that donnie is wrong about as donnie's running mate.

As vance continues to slide - with ever increasing royalties for his book (he comes out financially ahead, an oddity for a trumpite) it's fun watching all the "how do we get rid of him?" videos.

So just get rid of him.

I can hear it now, donnie saying "and now, my other make america great partner ...".

It's coming.

20 July 2024

Some Stuff About Costco; And Maybe About America

 The Economist has always been positive about Costco.

They, every year or two, have an article about what a well-run company it is and how well they treat their employees, especially compared to a prime Costco competitor - Walmart.

Economist points out with atypical British glee that Costco runs financial rings around Sam's Big Sweat Shop: they pay their people; they have medical benefits; they have retirement; but in all the financial measurements, they beat the pants off Walmart.

I guess that's why I keep seeing the same employees at Store One over the years.

But then, I am a Costco devotee.

Most of what I buy that I would otherwise buy in a grocery I buy at Costco.

So, I was really interested in the most recent Economist article about the company.

Net, net it said that most of Costco's profit is derived from annual membership fees.

I have read articles over the years excoriating Costco for that fact.

"You're supposed to extract your profit from the price of the stuff you sell, not some 'loyalty fee' so say the gurus of business economics, not the value you provide your customers.

Back to the Economist article that I am referencing; they said that the reason for Costco's continued growth, success and better-than-Walmart numbers is value.

Costco's customers renew their membership every year because they consistently get best products at best prices and check out with best employees of a best company,

I have not bought Best Foods mayonnaise at my local grocer recently because their price is $9.75 for a quart.

Yesterday I bought a two quart jar of Best Foods mayonnaise at Costco for $6.99.

I shop at Costco at least four times a month.

My membership fee has just been increased to $130.

That's $2.70 a store visit.

Even if I add that $2.70 pro rata store visit surcharge to the $6.99 Best Foods Mayonnaise, I come out $.06 ahead on double the mayonnaise  


19 July 2024

I Just Found This In My Poems Draft Folder

 I didn't even know I had a poems draft folder.

But there it was.

And here is the poem - there are others - but I want to share this one that I want to share.

I have no idea what it means.

But do poems ever really mean anything?

Pretty much done: is what you may be

Pretty much done: when all you seem to see

Is the book, the bottle, the bed and the key

Pretty much done: the key to the door, or maybe infinity

Pretty much done: whatever it may be

But, pretty much done can’t replace

The feeling of a face

As it brushes yours

Pretty much done: the other shores

Pretty much done: the day you first saw the center of the earth sea

Pretty much done: that vision seemed, then, to be infinity

Infinity rhymes nicely with key and be and see so let it be

I guess that is ok; we shall see

Pretty much done:  why did you cry that day when you saw the sea?

You cried that day on the vantage of the sea because it was you that day

And there was me.

Pretty much done.

Is what a poet would say

About this brief metric essay

Pretty much done.

Roger's Song

 Several years ago - I was in Paris for an extended stay, so that is probably why the mundane inspired an attempt at art.

I got an email from a long-term friend.

He was looking back while looking forward while cursing time and being, as always, an iconoclast.

I read it a couple of times (I had had a great day wandering Paris and I was three glasses of Corbieres into my evening, back at my apartment, and I was just spoiling for some reason to write about something).

The tone of the email, underneath the obvious, was a deep tone of melancholy.

I picked up the challenge and ran with it.

I decided to write a poem that I thought Bruce Springsteen would have written if he had gotten that email.

Here it is.

My family didn’t have too much

But we never really cared

America was always there for us

And most of us all shared

Just put a boat in the harbor then

We could always catch some perch

And laying off their skeletons

We’d take them to the church

Where Fridays after work was done

We’d fry the gathered catch

And pretend we all were rich folks then

As a kid that seemed the best

The best that life could ever be

The best of times so far

But darkness lurked all over us

Like being trapped inside a jar

A jar so full of smoke

That nothing could be seen

But nothing seemed enough for us

So we made the most of lean

Lean times, slim pickins was all we had

Clouded by that jar

The best that life could ever be

The best of times so far

I was different from most of them

I got a college rag

I got a job with IBM

Success was in the bag

But darkness lurked around me still

That jar now clear to see

That nothing was too great for me

So nothing would I be

I made a lot of money

And pissed it all away

Finally moved to somewhere warm

That’s where I am today

And thinking thoughts behind me

I finally may believe

That going back a lifetime

Is my last reprieve

Now I sit here wondrin’

Why I even care

Michael didn’t get me

And nothin’s really fair

My mind goes back at night time

To the fish out on the bay

That bay’s all filled with sand now

But why should I just stay

Stay here among the dying

The crippled and the dead

When packing up when dawn comes

All of this could be shed

And trek back to where I came from

Back up to the north

Back to where I came from

Back up in the north

Back to where the sandbar

That once had been the bay

Is now a metered parking lot

The perch all gone away

Still cold as hell in winter

With tons of winter snow 

No new business no hotels and nothin’

Nothin’ for to show

For all the time now long gone 

For all the smoke that’s cleared

And America still is there for us

So nothing should be feared

And trek back to where I came from

Back to where I still own

Some land that once was left to me

Two plots with each its stone

The graveyard plots of yesteryear

The prizes left me to win

Or prizes left me to own.

Bing On Tariffs


I decided that I would find out if Bing/Copilot is as dumb as the MAGA crowd.

donnie keeps saying that he is going to bring in a huge amount of money from nations who export to the US - mostly China - by putting huge tariffs on all imported goods.

Since most of what Americans buy is imported, that, donnie says, is going to bring us scads and scads of money; so much money in fact that he can cut taxes to the bone - for rich people and corporations.

And China will foot the bill.

So, I asked Bing some questions.

Noel: "Who pays the tariff on imports?"

Bing: "A tariff is a tax on imported goods. Contrary to what some might think, it’s almost always paid directly by the importer (usually a domestic firm), not the exporting country. So, when the United States imposes a tariff on something, it’s the US importer who bears the cost, not the foreign exporter. If you’re importing goods subject to duty under the United States Harmonized Tariff Schedule, you—the importer of record—must pay the tariffs."

Noel: "So the American people don't pay?"

Bing: "Correct! The American people don’t directly pay the tariffs. Instead, it’s the importers (usually domestic companies) who bear the cost when importing goods subject to duty. These tariffs are collected by the U.S. government from the importers."

Noel: "Who gets the tariffs paid by the importers?"

Bing: "The U.S. government receives the tariffs paid by the importers. These funds contribute to government revenue and can be used for various purposes."

Noel: " So the importers pay the government a lot of money and the people get cheap imported goods.  That's a good deal isn't it?"

Bing: "Indeed, it might seem like a good deal at first glance. Importers pay the tariffs, and consumers benefit from access to cheaper imported goods. However: while importers pay the tariffs directly, they often pass some or all of the cost to consumers through higher prices."

Noel: " You say "often pass some or all of the cost to consumers". Don't they really pass all of the cost?"

Bing: "You raise a valid point! In practice, importers often do pass most of the tariff cost to consumers. While they absorb some of the expense, the majority is indeed shifted to end-users through higher prices. So, you’re right—it’s more accurate to say they pass almost all of the cost."

Noel: "I wonder why trump wasn't 'more accurate'?"

Bing: "Ah, the nuances of political communication! While precision is essential, politicians often use language strategically to convey their message or appeal to specific audiences."

Noel: "Could he be lying?"

Bing: "As an AI language model, I don’t make judgments about individuals’ intentions, but I can provide context. Politicians often use simplified messaging to convey their stance on complex issues. Whether it’s intentional or not, statements may not always align with the full reality."

Noel: "So the MAGA bunch will figure it out next time they check out at Walmart?"

Bing: "When the MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters check out at Walmart, they’ll likely notice the prices of imported goods. While the full impact of tariffs can be complex, the practical result is often higher prices for consumers. So, yes, they’ll feel it in their wallets!"

Noel: "Nice talking with you!"

Bing: "Thank you! It’s been a pleasure chatting with you too!" 


A Lotta Lies

I watched the RNC last evening. A big difference between this year and previous conventions was that EVERYBODY was spewing lies, not just donnie the dildo. I was surprised that even hostage families had a lot of lies to tell.

I had to wonder how much the RNC paid all those civilians to deliver their lines.

You can tell when Vance is lying: he puts his hand over his heart.

Sent from my iPhone

16 July 2024

"Assassination" Primer

 Starting at 17h03 on 13 July I started documenting the nature of the hoax that has served as prologue to the RNC.

The fortuitous nature of the whole charade is so laughable that it's unbelievable that even people as gullible as the MAGGOTS would swallow it.

Scripted Shooting At trump Rally

The Most Contrived Image Of This Century

What Was The Tool?

Perspective On The Scripted Assassination Attempt

The Grifter Even Grifts A Staged Assassination Attempt

The Assassin's Cell Phone

President Vance

That United We Stand Bullshit

Praline Pecans From Costco

 I asked Bing/Copilot "Has Costco discontinued praline pecans?"

Bing replied:

"Yes, Costco has discontinued the Kirkland Signature Praline Pecans. These delicious pecans were coated with a sweet praline coating and came in a 40 oz jar. Unfortunately, they are no longer available for purchase. If you’re looking for an alternative, consider trying homemade pecans from the heart of the Mississippi Delta—they’re packed with essential nutrients, healthy fats, and antioxidants."

Bing pointed out that they were still available from Amazon, though.

With a little uplift in price.

At Costco they were $14.95; do suppose these two Seattle companies are colluding on a fiendish price fixing gambit? 

It's a short supply chain from Store One to the Sphere.

15 July 2024

That United We Stand Bullshit

 donnie is a grifter, liar, convicted felon, convicted civil criminal and convicted sexual predator.

So when he starts spewing his "conciliation and bind up the nation's wounds" speech only morons will believe it.

Oh yeah, I forgot.

That's his target audience.

President Vance

 J. D. Vance will assume the presidency shortly after 20 January 2025.

The nation will descend into grief at the death of donnie the dildo who will die from complications from his gunshot wound.

Fired From The Stranger

 I just heard a local Seattle news item.

One of the writers for The Stranger was fired for a Twitter post.

She wrote "Make America Aim Again".

Good thing I'm unemployed.

The Assassin's Cell Phone

 When that is cracked there are going to be some phone calls to and from Laura trump.

And Ol' Margery.

I heard somewhere that that is what "Q" is saying.

They should be real interesting.

Sample: "Remember, you're supposed to miss". 

And: "What's your Bitcoin number?"

I Wonder What Bishop Usher Would Say?

 I had some questions for Bing/Copilot:

I have recently read about a third species of human, now extinct, that co-resided with Homo Neanderthal and Homo Sapien humans, and bred with them.  What is its name?

The third species you’re referring to is Homo heidelbergensis. Many researchers consider it a common ancestor of both modern humans and Neanderthals. This fascinating species lived side-by-side with our ancestors in ancient Africa, and their interactions left a genetic legacy that still influences us today.

How long ago did they live?

Homo heidelbergensis lived approximately 700,000 to 200,000 years ago during the Middle Pleistocene. These ancient humans existed in both Europe and Africa, and they are considered a chronospecies, representing a crucial point in our evolutionary history between modern humans and Neanderthals.

Are Neanderthals part of the homo clan?

Neanderthals are Homo Sapiens’s closest-known relative. We coexisted with them for thousands of years, up until the end of their long reign around 40,000 years ago. While we sometimes unfairly characterized them as lumbering dimwits, recent discoveries reveal their surprising complexity. Neanderthals even left behind intriguing structures in Bruniquel Cave, France, hinting at creativity and perhaps symbolism. Genetic evidence confirms that we interbred with Neanderthals, making them partly our ancestors, even though we didn’t evolve directly from them.

Are there any other homo varieties?

Certainly! Apart from our species, Homo sapiens, several other fascinating Homo varieties have existed on Earth. Here are a few:

Homo Rudolfensis: Existed around 1.9 million to 1.8 million years ago. Their physical characteristics remain somewhat mysterious due to limited cranial fossils.

Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Antecessor, and Homo Naledi are also part of this diverse lineage.