30 March 2015

The Clown from Indiana Speaks


the clown pence

If Alexis de Tocqueville didn’t say this, he should have.

There are  a lot of churches in America.

That is obvious of course: there are myriad buildings, paltry to grand that are the places where Americans go to express their religious faith, beliefs etc.

But the meaning I intend for the word “church” here is  the more ethereal one.

I mean it to mean “aggregation of humans of similar beliefs who have agreed to such beliefs in such a manner that their aggregation can be given a name”: Roman Catholic jumps to mind, as does Southern Baptist, or Presbyterian or Church of the Inner Fire.

And there are more every day.

What hasn’t been often noticed, however, is that most or all of these churches really fall under an umbrella church.

That umbrella is the organization that represents all of its little people – its members – in all things political or all things that might have anything to do with how the rest of us are governed.

The power of that umbrella and its influence on the three branches of our federal government are probably grotesque violations of our Constitution, but we are way beyond the point of being able to recall that dog from the woods.

So I won’t try.

I will just point out something about the umbrella that I find amusing.

First I must name it (the umbrella).

It is the Universal Church of Social Bigotry.

And it hefts its power as a church in the following manner.

It says, “my bigotry is my religion and I can discriminate against anything, anybody anytime anyhow”.

“I am, after all, a religion; and I have my rights to religious freedom.”

Indiana is the home of that church.

It is headquartered right in downtown Indianapolis.

Indianapolis is sort of the Rome of bigotry.

And its pope – pictured above – is a really colorful piece of work.

He’s not satisfied with being pope of the UCSB, he wants to be President.

How nice.

23 March 2015

Bring in the Clowns


Benny, or whatever his acolytes call him, has just won the recent “Adolph Hitler Contest of the Big Lie” that was held, ironically, in Tel Aviv.

What an achievement.

Makes me proud to be an observer.

I should mention that he couldn’t have reached so high or achieved so much without the help of his “little people” some of whose pictures are included, below.

And the list keeps growing.



the clown

the clown mcconnel

the clown trumpl

the clown cruz

13 March 2015

Lack of Leadership

In general I attribute this phrase to just a republican slur yet again of the President.

But as we get down-stream of Crimea and of eastern Ukraine I wonder who is in charge in America as Puty clearly begins to head toward the Balts. 

They (the Balts) are – for Christ’s sake – members of the EU, of NATO, and Estonia and Lithuania are in the Euro. 

So are we just going to sit there with our “dicks in our hands”  (a Godfather allusion) and watch as Puty ads those free countries to his little tin Hitler empire?

08 March 2015

Our Best People Are Still Working On It


A little while back I wrote:

“We have our best people working on it.

…says Putin and his Putniks.

From the grave one can hear Boris Nemtsov  indulging in gales of derisive laughter.

This is going to be the best sham since the Malaysia Airlines plane got shot down.

I mentioned Hitler’s “big lie” tactic in a post about Puty some time back.

In the interim ol’ Puty has gone past his master.

I’m sure we will soon know who killed Boris Nemtsov.

Probably US agents.”

I admit I was being a little tongue in cheek.

I thought ol’ Puty would catch some of those Ukrainians that are trying to attack Russia.

What a surprise, then, to find out that it was really the Chechnyans.

What a relief to have that all taken care of.

And I can still hear the laughter.

03 March 2015

A Small Change

So I guess Boehner has appointed Netanyahu Secretary of State? That seems even more dicey than the President exercising his legitimate executive powers and being threatened with impeachment by legislative harassment. 

the clown

The Buffoon and the Boogie Man




The buffoon has given his boogie man speech, replete with false causality, self serving half truths, reminders of the Nazis and some begged questions (saying that an ancient nation with a current population of 80 million is just the same as a small gang of desert dwelling pickup driving religious nuts comes to mind).

Or perhaps that begged question was really nothing more than an invidious comparison.

And the clowns all went "hyuk, hyuk, hyuk".

Or perhaps that begged question was really nothing more than an invidious comparison.

Or perhaps the invidious comparison – because there is indeed such on offer here – is the wrapping surrounding the bogus proof of assertion which is in itself unproven and being offered as proof of the premise that Iran is evil, or Iran is – I wasn’t really sure what the buffoon was really asserting there; Iran is just not “one of us” perhaps was his point.

From the standpoint that I haven’t heard of Iran bombing little kids playing on the shore of the Mediterranean I guess the “they aren’t like us” assertion is correct no matter the debating errors supporting it.

the clown

02 March 2015

The Buffoon Speaks

Netanyahu is a buffoon.

So how appropriate that he will speak tomorrow to the convocation of clowns.

Given that the republican campaign to undermine the President is an essentially crypto racist activity, I have to assume that AIPAC is of a similar species.

Good to have the buffoon joining the good ol' boys.


The Buffoon


The King of the Clowns

the clown

01 March 2015

We Have Our Best People Working On It …

…says Putin and his Putniks.

From the grave one can hear Boris Nemtsov  indulging in gales of derisive laughter.

This is going to be the best sham since the Malaysia Airlines plane got shot down.

I mentioned Hitler’s “big lie” tactic in a post about Puty some time back.

In the interim ol’ Puty has gone past his master.

I’m sure we will soon know who killed Boris Nemtsov.

Probably US agents.