07 October 2010

Le Vieux Pigeon Drop de Paris

The first time I ever saw the Pigeon Drop attempted was in 2006 on or about Quai Voltaire. That was in August. I was back in November and they tried it again. By then I really had the adversary role down pat, "Vous avez bon chance, madame!".

I have had it tried on me a number of times since. Today I decided was an ideal day for image gathering on the banks of the Seine. I set out about 1330.

I kiddingly wondered to myself if I would again be pigeon-dropped. "No, not after all this time" I said to myself. A distance down the quais, I was just standing and wondering if I should take yet another series of images (I decided not to) of the statue of Thomas Jefferson when I was suddenly aware of a small dumpy brown woman attired in some kind of trademark eastern garb sort of floating into my view on toward the sidewalk.

She was on toward the sidewalk because she was groveling down to pick up a shiny gold ring. She rose to her full 4 foot 8 stature and said to me, "Voila! Regardez que j'ai trouvé!" I was so excited. The drop was on. And it was the same woman who had introduced me to the art in 2006.

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