28 September 2012

Le Picnic

When I woke up this morning and discovered that it was going to be zero chance of rain (that means maybe/maybe not) I decided that it was the day to do what I have been wanting to do for several years: walk the Seine to Port de l'Arsenal, go up to la Bastille and on up rue Richard Lenoir to Canal Saint-Martin and on to Basin de Villette to Place de Bitche (really) – where I would turn on to rue Crimée and go to to Parc des Buttes Chaumont for a Parisian dejeuner – lunch.

All I would need to do would be to find a vacant bench.

I thought that I could do that.
Le picnic they call it.
That is a long walk.

It took me two hours. 

Of course I was stopping every two minutes to take pictures, but it was still a long walk.

And I am almost 70.
But it was really fun.
And it was really exhilarating.
But then that is Paris.  

Or maybe that is just me  

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