Friday, December 16, 2022

MOAB For The Upcoming Russian Offensive

 I had this to say back in March.

A while back I published a post that suggested that the United States has a conventional weapon that, if given to the Ukrainians might be very helpful in dealing with the Russians.

Now that the Russians have formed a forty-mile-long string of military vehicles and tanks the time has come to deploy it.

Forty miles of slow-moving things that apparently are intermittently running out of fuel is as classic a form of a sitting duck as it is possible to imagine.

We have a conventional bomb that has a yield of 11 tons of TNT; some call it MOAB - the mother of all bombs.

They can be delivered by C-130 aircraft.

It would seem to me that ten C-130/MOABs should be given to the Ukrainians ASAP. 

220,000 pounds of TNT, artfully delivered over forty miles of trucks and tanks, probably would slow the Russians down a little.


My suggestion was ignored.

The forty-mile-wide gaggle of russians was allowed to molder in its own juice. 

After moldering for a while, that gaggle withdrew to safer places, where they have been licking their moldering wounds.

Now they are thinking about sending another, big, big, gaggle back to take Kiev.

If I were running things, I would look at that as an opportunity to finish off the russians once and for all.

If they want to present themselves in prime target mode again, we in the West ought to thank them with a fleet of MOAB armed C130s, flying and dropping round the clock.

The only difference between nuclear and conventional is, how big are your conventionals, and how many planes have you got?

Our national legislature just approved an annual expenditure of almost a trillion dollars for "defense".

We better have a lot of MOABs and C130s in that expenditure.


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