First, is the history lesson.
The Mueller Report, we were told by William Barr, "completely exonerated" trump of any wrongdoing.
So America shrugged, said "my, my" and moved on: reading a tome like The Mueller Report is not the sort of thing Americans would ever do - they have Netflix to binge - so, since the tome "completely exonerated" donnie, the country moved on, and The Mueller Report went un-read.
That was too bad.
That was too bad because, rather than completely exonerating donnie, The Report laid out a clear case for impeachment.
Part one documents myriad instances of trump's lackies being in deep contact with Russian agents and exchanging significant information including crucial polling data.
But, Mueller said, despite the likelihood of there being fire amongst all that smoke, conspiracy is a bitch to prove, so he said it would be up to stronger hearts than his to pursue the obvious.
Part two documents ten clear cut instances of obstruction of justice.
But, Mueller said, he was forced to defer to the custom and practice of the Justice Department of not indicting a sitting president.
Besides, he noted, there are constitutionally prescribed processes in place that could be employed.
There being at the time a republican Senate and a republican House, those prescribed processes were left unemployed.
But that was then and this is now.
Now we have a thirty-seven count indictment against donnie which he and his base all are screaming to be the most monstrous witch hunt in history - even more monstrous than the last, most monstrous witch hunt in history, only recently launched also against poor little donnie.
In fact, since 2016, we have been witness to an almost infinite number of most monstrous witch hunts against poor little donnie.
So, however many deplorables there may be in that famous basket, they are not going to be swayed by anything: truth, justice or the American way being paramount among those things that will not sway them.
So, I would not expect them to read - many, I suspect, can't read - a 44 page outline of something they are calling, without any knowledge or basis, a witch hunt.
But I would beg the rest of us to devote the little bit of time it will take to read one of the clearest and most understandable legal documents they are ever likely to read.
I have read the first 27 pages so far.
That is the narrative underpinning the 37 charges of donnie and the one charge of Nauta.
It is exceptionally well written, occasionally with a drollery that must be by design.
And it is damning.
It is damning of donnie and Nauta but also of various lightly disguised actors: think TRUMP Attorney 3, for example.
Please read it.
Coda: The narrative depicts a doddering old ex-president who thinks he's a mafioso boss, but who conducts himself like Wylie Coyote; donnie aint no Michael Corleone, but remember, incompetence can be as dangerous as skill when employed by a master of the art.
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