Thursday, January 11, 2024

I Knew That I had Heard Something Like This, One Time, Back Awhile

Me: "There was a guy, about 18 years ago, who said that people should be paid for their data.  Who was that person, and what are some of his major proposals?  He was an ex-Microsoft employee when he said it,"

Bing: "The person you are referring to is Keith Curtis, a former Microsoft employee who worked there for 11 years. In his book, “After the Software Wars”, he argues that free and open-source software is technically superior to proprietary software because it allows developers to collaborate and innovate. He also believes that people should be paid for their data, and that the current model of companies collecting user data for free is unsustainable. Curtis suggests that users should be able to sell their data to companies, and that this would create a more equitable and transparent system. However, he acknowledges that this would require a significant shift in the way that data is currently collected and used."

I heard an interview with this guy a long time ago.

I was really interested in what he was saying, mainly because I had no idea what "data" he was talking about.

Years and trillions of Google and Facebook/Instagram dollars later, I have an idea of what he was talking about.

If the Fascist Faction of America's Power Structure will not tax the obscenely rich at a fair rate, then, maybe, the obscenely rich can be made to pay via the back door.

If we didn't have Jim Jordan jumping up and down on his desk like a scene from 12 Monkeys, instead of a legislative process, we might be able to have a law passed paying people for "their data".

But that's pretty, and foolishly, optimistic.

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