Monday, January 22, 2024

So, Let's Debate

donnie the dildo, wanna be mafia don, failed businessman and political loser, wants the American people to elect him dictator.

So, OK, let's talk about that.

Not too many years ago, that would have been a campaign ending proposition for any political candidate.

But today, here and now, 2024, that whiningly nasal request draws coliseum-filling cheers.

The fact that that group is not anywhere near a majority gets lost in the Roman Empire Theatrics of the dildo.

(According to a national NBC News poll conducted in April 2023, only 24% of Americans surveyed have positive views of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement. Another source estimates that about 10% of the U.S. population favor the positions of what President Biden has called “MAGA Republicans”.)

Since we have no apparent or readily described means of dodging that bullet - dildo dictatorship - OK, bring it on for discussion as to how to decide about the proposition.

I propose a series of debates.

Not between the dildo and his opponent but between him and the rest of us.

He needs to make his case to all of us by debating as many of us as can sit to challenge him.

The dildo will be required over the course of most of the days of the weeks of the months between now and November 5, 2024 to debate all comers.

The comers will be the obvious ones, starting with Liz Cheney, probably followed by Adam Schiff and then Jeremy Rifkin; there are many others.

And any American citizen who wants to debate the dildo will be eligible.

Cheney, Schiff and Rifkin are debaters of a sort to be called "implicit"; that means their very existence requires them to enter this verbal combat.

Others of that sort are Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Michele Obama, George W Bush, Laura Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, E Jean Carroll, and Whoopy Goldberg.

All other Americans will be designated "non-implicit" debaters.

The "non-implicit" cadre will be chosen by the American people from an internet enabled lottery.

The winners of the lottery will be the chosen "non-implicit" debaters and they will be alphabetized by last name, randomized by ZIP Code, and will be sworn in and assigned debate times and dates (an hour each, 8 a day) until time runs out.

There will be a required oath to debate the dildo.

This oath - to be administered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America: " I despise dictators, especially little tin hat wanna-be dictators, and I revere the Constitution of the United States of America, and promise to defend it with the last blood and life force that I possess; I will not vote for trump and will engage him in verbal combat to expose him for the cancer on the body politic that he is; so help me god."

To protect the debaters from violence, they will be shielded from the dildo by engaging him over ZOOM.

There will be no winners of the debates, no losers, just outcomes - outcomes being what each American concludes from each instance of verbal combat.

It should be noted that MAGA americans will have been assumed to have been excluded from fifth column activity due to the nature of the oath they will be required to have taken before debating.

That oath clearly forbids the inclusion of MAGA rot.

If, in spite of their oath, if a lottery chosen debater becomes docile and compliant in the presence of the dildo - albeit only his ZOOM presence - said debater will be immediately clapped in irons and conducted to a maximum-security prison, therein to lie in disgrace until death takes him/her to his/her reward.

Oaths, we have been incessantly told in the donnie the dildo era are of paramount importance, and violation of oaths are to be punished biblically.

That means death.


I thought I heard someone say.

(Maybe - probably, even - it was god).

Anyway, one hopes that the viewership of the debates will be significant - exceeding, say, Super Bowls.

Based on viewing the debates, the American people can then make their decision: do they want to live in a dictatorship?

And they will vote.

And history will quake, and shiver, and shake in the runup to that decision; in its wake, Fukuyama may finally be proven right: we may will have reached the end of history.

We may will have discovered that the rot was unstoppable; that ignorance, fear, prejudice and hatred are truly the currency of the land. 

But, then again, we might will have gotten America back again (GABA).

And in either case, it will have been an election based on the free and fair competition of ideas in the marketplace.

Not alternate facts and the hallucinations of geriatric white people.

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