Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Pokin' The Pig: Trumpin' Up A Bail Bond

On 24 February I made a post titled A Pig In A Poke.

In the post, I noted that donnie the dildo had some big number dollar obligations coming due.

And they were coming due imminently.

Since then, their imminent due-ness has come and gone.

And the court has let donnie dance, lie, feint, rant, rave, fart and moan, and, with each new donnie due date, have given him another ten days, allowed him to do business in New York, although the judgement forbids that activity for three years, and allowed hundreds of millions of dollars reduction in the required bond.

That is the bond required to let him appeal his fraud-found-guilty obligation to the State of New York.

donnie shouts witch "hunt and persecution".

If persecution comes with the accommodative treatment afforded donnie, I'll take persecution every day possible.

Most recently, after being allowed a multi-hundred million dollar reduction in the amount required for escrow or bond, to appeal his fraud conviction, at the last hour, he posted the skinnied-down bond of 175 million dollars.

It was posted by a California insurance company nobody ever heard of, owned by a billionaire that nobody has ever heard of.

Surprisingly, there are some irregularities with the transaction.

1. The insurance company doesn't have a license to issue bonds in New York.

2.The insurance company claims to have $138,000,000 in surplus capital; maybe it has that amount, maybe it doesn't; but, as always with donnie, the company's books have the smell and character of being, fast, loose, fictional and opaque, and the sort of thing donnie would have for his various ventures; so don't bet on it; however, to do a $175,000,000 bond New York requires $1.75 billion, so $138,000,000 is a moot amount.

3. Trump has put up the cash in his Schwab account as collateral with the insurance company to cover the possibility that his appeal might be denied, and the bail be forfeit.

4. The insurance company has no lien from donnie on the Schwab account.

5. In any event donnie has a two-day window to drain the account.

6. The document filed with New York County, dated 2 April 2024, says that the Schwab account has (has, not will have, or is expected to have) $175,000,000 in it "on 5 April 2024". Apparently the document fell out of a time machine.

7. In any event it is extremely likely that the Schwab account is already pledged elsewhere, like the real estate assets that the state may start foreclosing soon. 

In my 24 February post I said:

"I'm going to be interested to see who turns out to be the billionaire who is stupid enough to buy a pig in a poke.

I find it difficult to suppose that there will be one. 

Real billionaires, unlike 'brilliant bidnessmen' don't do stupid shit".

So I guess I have the answer to that implied question.

And, what a surprise: we got a trumped up billionaire doing a trumped up transaction so donnie can keep skating through his trumped up existence.

And being persecuted.

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