18 June 2024

Angry Is Not Effective

 I finally realized what I find so dysfunctional about how the president keeps presenting himself.

He never is anything but a shouting angry old man.

I don't think if he tried to change to a more Jack Kennedy or Barack Obama demeanor he would win any more voters, but at least that change would eliminate the appearance that he is a cranky old man in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

I guess the problem is that, when he tries to simmer down, he just sounds mumblingly incoherent, and old.

So, his handlers must have decided, being the "get off my lawn" guy, is the best presentation.

Given some of the stuff I have seen about trump's mental acuity, I think we are in for an interesting drooling contest.

Too bad the world's wellbeing is so directly affected.

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