08 June 2024

Ira Glass Fills In For Cronkite: Come Retribution

George Washington said it in 1788, in a letter to Lafayette concerning the newly promulgated Constitution of the United states of America: "There cannot, in my judgement, be the least danger that the President will by any practicable intrigue ever be able to continue himself one moment in office, much less perpetuate himself in it; but [in modern parlance substitute 'except' for 'but'] in the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity; and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes".

MAGA is "in the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity".

They are "a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master ...".

And now "he comes".

And he's not even smart.

In fact he's an idiot.

I took this picture of a centuries old message pillar in Rome in 2017.

So, the world knew it then.

But this is now.

And the idiot has turned.

As worms are known to do.

He has Project 25.

No more Mister Stupid Guy.

And nothing is more frightening than a dumb shit trying to be smart.

Remember Fredo?

But Fredo has taken control of an American political party and the gloves are off.

So what does that mean for everyday garden variety Americans?

Ira answers that question.

Where are you going to go?

After November 5?

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