06 February 2025

My Reply To An Email: Futile And Laughable

I keep hearing analyses of politics and the state of the union.

They keep centering on the Democrats.

What are they going to do to win in 26/28?

That question is moot.

The question is what are they going to do today and tomorrow to halt the coup in progress.

To amplify that fact here is a sub-fact.

I just got an email from Senator Merkley of Oregon.

Here are the opening paragraph, and the closing paragraph.

"This week, the Department of Government Efficiency, controlled by Trump's unelected co-president Elon Musk, seized access to sensitive Treasury data, including Social Security and Medicare payment systems. This means Elon Musk controls millions of Americans' highly sensitive personal information without consent and with zero accountability.

"Today, I'm asking you to sign my petition telling Elon Musk to keep his hands off our private information. We must raise our voices and show that we will stand strong against this abuse of power."


I know that one is not allowed to reply to such things, protocol and technology don't allow it.

But one can have delusions.

So here is what I replied.


When are you guys - whoever in the Senate and the House of either party is willing to stop a coup d'ĂȘtat in progress - going to do something, like initiate articles of impeachment in the house, or arrest the criminal in chief?

I know Cheshire Mike and his crew of idiots are too busy working to default on the National debt to pay much attention to things like coups d'ĂȘtats, and I'm sure he and his merry crew would not allow articles of impeachment to be passed in any event. 

I'm sure they can find enough time from their group titillation to not-do that much.

So, trying to initiate such articles is futile.  

But arrest and detention might work. 

For god's sake, do something. 

My honoring your request and signing this vapid request for - what, money?- would be equally futile. 

Getting me to make a contribution for a campaign that's gonna be too late and irrelevant, because there will only be a unitary executive by then, is also laughably futile. 

And sending Chuck Schumer out to do his silly old man act isn't doing anything to stop the coup. 

Makes good fodder for The Daily Show, though. 

We can all laugh heartily as America dissolves like one of Dali's clocks.

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