Recently I asked a friend about the health of a mutual friend's job.
The mutual friend works for a component of the federal government.
The mutual friend is not white.
The mutual friend has been in job for a lot of years, and is very good at it; performance reports document that as fact.
My friend's response was that it all looked good, where our mutual friend worked was of a consequence that even an idiot like donnie wouldn't fuck with it.
Here is what I replied.
That's a reasonable reply.
The problem is what they are actually doing seems to lack any sort of method or rational process.
Apparently they just access mail lists and send out random emails.
The only consistent thread to the ongoing chaos is to make working for the government a misery.
I'm far from a lawyer, but politics is one of my favorite hobbies, so I feel somewhat correct when I say that the only way this can be stopped is articles of impeachment, and the republicans aren't ready for that yet.
The fact that a coup d'êtat is underway would seem to justify such an action - since it is the only action available - though.
Lacking that being done the only other remedy is hope.
That would be hope that Ol' Clarence and the boys are not yet ready to turn the whole thing over to donnie.
I'm too stupid to figure out what's in that for them, so I still have hope of powerful SCOTUS action.
The problem then, though, is who's going to arrest him, and if someone does, how do we fight off the militia?.
Our police and military are frighteningly well populated with christian nationalists and various other slime so we are probably screwed no matter what.
Have a nice day.
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