Tuesday, February 13, 2024

E Pluribus Unum


If I had turned out to be a dystopian future fantasy fiction writer, I'm pretty sure I would never have come up with a scenario similar to trump's recent remarks about NATO.

Nor could I have imagined the degree of stupidity, hate, ignorance and malignity that has come to affect and infect so many of our fellows, allowing a huge baggy empty suit to engage their deep, deep affection.

Without them we would still be muddling through like always instead of being on the brink of catastrophe.

I am a onetime supporter of an all-volunteer military; in the interim I have come to an opposite point of view.

As I have contemplated the experience of having once been thrown into a randomly selected, huge, and heterogeneous segment of America's young male population, all of whom had been assigned the mission of "figure it out and make it happen" and having watched and participated in the interesting and chaotic sociology of us trying to "make it happen", I have come to the alternate viewpoint:  the draft was the right way to "make it happen; and the draft should exist as a basic part of the national fabric, non-respective to whether the nation is at war or not; that chaotic sociology is how many become one.

That was what I observed as having been "made to happen" by the draft.

Could the loss of that draft-driven forced amalgamation of disparate human components be the root cause for the rot that now besets us? 

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