Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Supreme Court Weighs In On trump's Side

donnie is running for president mainly because he thinks he can use various aspects to being on campaign to impede, hinder and delay the multiple criminal charges that have been brought against him.

He is also running for the office because, if he wins, he can wriggle out of those criminal charges.

In that context he is doing everything possible to delay everything he can every way he can until 5 November when he hopes that he is going to re-gain the presidency and then be able to make all his indictments go away by firing the justice department and have his newly appointed department throw out all federal cases against him and making the State judgments against him (E. Jean Carol and NY Fraud) go away by getting Congress to pass laws to pay his judgements.

Yesterday the Supreme Court showed its colors.

They set up a schedule for review of whether or not donnie is exempt from prosecution for his myriad crimes such that, once they have spoken on 30 June (and there is no one that I have heard of that believes that it is possible to find an ex-president exempt from felony crimes, so the delay will only have served the trump delay, delay, delay tactic serving the rundown to 5 November)  will not leave enough time - after all the requisite pre-trial milling around - for any trials that actually might get started to be decided until after the election.

That will leave off the table the near certain conviction of donnie for felonies as an election issue.

That may be enough to tip the balance.

That balance, once tipped, leaves donnie in charge of Justice.

SCOTUS hopes so.

They have done their job.

In this dawning era of un-separation of powers they have masterfully served.

If there was any question (remember Bush v Gore was decided in a day) about whether the jig was up for America and its Constitution, we got the answer yesterday.

As further evidence, trump's lawyer recently commented about the loyalty of the court for the donald: Alina Habba stated: “I think it should be a slam dunk in the Supreme Court. I have faith in them. You know, people like Kavanaugh ..."

Finding that VIDEO has been amazingly difficult, but I did finally find it; it's in a potpourri page of stuff, but if you scroll down a little bit and click on the image of Ol' Alina you can watch it; it's about twenty seconds long.

The first time I saw it a few weeks ago I was surprised at the unintelligent bravado of the thing.

Now that I have seen SCOTUS' delay, delay, delay strategy in supporting trump, I realize that it was actually bald-faced prophesy: "the fix is on".


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