Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Pig In Poke Again: A Judge Speaks

Today a New York judge rejected former president donald trump’s request to delay enforcement of a judgment totaling at least $450 million while he appeals that order.

The judge did modify the judgement slightly by allowing donnie to get the money for bond from New York banks; the order forbids trump doing business with New York banks for three years.

So we are all gonna see if any bank is stupid enough to give donnie half a billion dollars to appeal a judgement for a half billion dollars, when donnie, unless he wins the appeal won't pay it back - his business plan doesn't include paying debts - and even if he wins I would bet that he would slow walk any repayment  (a half a billion in hand is better than half a billion in somebody's bank, he always says).

We shall see.

The clock is still running down so he better get his go talk to the bankers suit on pretty quick.

He has less than 30 days to get the bond money, get the appeal scheduled and get the appeal upheld.

Otherwise, the grim reaper of New York State starts selling off his stuff.

It gets really interesting then because his stuff is so heavily leveraged that it's probably not worth much.

Then we bring in Shylock.

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