29 July 2024

Chicago: Joe And Me And The Lake

 You Know.

The Lake.

The Lake of the Ozarks.

It usta have, maybe still does, The Clown.

The Clown had great hamburgers, great cole slaw.

Usta put the slaw on the burger, when I ordered one, after coming in, after drinking and skiing.

For most of the day.

Really good.

Those hamburgers with that slaw.

Of course they were really good without the slaw.

I liked them with.

That was at The Clown.

The Clown had a drink called The Derailleur.

I thought at the time that that was because the roads adjacent to The Clown were favorite haunts of bicyclists.

But I don't know.


Nor did I then.

Now, years later and years more suspicious of words and their meaning I need to default to the logic of then.

It just sounded right.


In any event that drink did de-rail you.

Really good.

Anyway, and to get to the point, Joe and I were driving around the Lake one day.

Joe was my son.

Still is.

I can't remember why we were doing that, but I think it was because I wanted to buy a used boat.

And driving around the lake seemed to me to be the best way to find a boat.

It wasn't.

But that's a different story.

What it was was a great way to spend a few hours listening to Chicago.

Some station was doing an all day Chicago reprise.

That was sublime.

That day on The Lake of the Ozarks.

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