30 July 2024

Ol' J.D. Is Out? Later Breaking Thoughts

Increasing winds of opinion about J. D. Vance.

In sum, they seem to say "that was fucking stupid".

To pick the inventor of the accelerator of all that donnie is wrong about as donnie's running mate.

As vance continues to slide - with ever increasing royalties for his book (he comes out financially ahead, an oddity for a trumpite) it's fun watching all the "how do we get rid of him?" videos.

So just get rid of him.

I can hear it now, donnie saying "and now, my new, and so respected make america great partner ...".

It's coming:

George McGovern’s original running mate in the 1972 presidential election was Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri. However, after it was revealed that Eagleton had undergone treatment for depression, he was replaced by Sargent Shriver.

Maybe if ol' J.D. had had shock treatment he'd be able to weasel out of being apparently nuts?

Probably not.

Anyway, he's not nuts?

Just deeply evil?

Have you noticed that his wife looks like a hostage?

Twitching, emaciated, deep space stare and all that hostage stuff?

Maybe an illegal alien?

Probably is?

Ex-dopers like J. D. all manifest female-hostile-syndrome?

And native born american women mostly don't put up with that Appalachia barefoot and pregnant shit?

Unless they are aliens and they find a charismatic ex-doper from the region to get them citizenship?

Or maybe not an ex doper?

Just askin' questions here.


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