11 August 2024

An Unfathomable Dichotomy

 Or unbelievable.

That there is a large tranche of the American people who will choose donnie the demented dildo.

In a succession of Truth Social posts after calling off his planned ABC debate with Harris, Trump called Harris “low IQ,” “dumb,” and said she lacked the “mental capacity” to debate him; donnie talks about Hannible Lector; donnie says that there would be no war if Ukraine if he had been president; donnie says he won in 2016 against Obama; donnie decries the incompetent security provided  by Nicki Haley on January 6, 2021; donnie repeatedly documents the almost uncountable conspiracies and plots against him.  

And on and on.

I guess that's his agenda for America when he is put in office: nightly Fantasy Side Chats From The Great Leader documenting the unfairness of his life.  

Meanwhile, Kamala and Tim have an actual agenda, some of which is: guarantee of a woman's sovereignty over her physical being; a universal, affordable childcare system; a universal, affordable health care system; massive and affordable extension of our embarrassing broad band communications system; taxing accumulated wealth, not paychecks; a universal, affordable long term care system; a buttressing, enhancement, reinforcement  and continuation of the most successful military alliance in history; implementing a system of universal free tertiary education; architecting and implementing a twenty first century rail system; passing the immigration bill that already exists, into law, thus setting the stage for a real and effective immigration system that allows America to continue to tap the pent up strength of all of humanity as we always have, and acknowledging that such tapping has made us, already, great.

But everything says that donnie is probably going to win. 

The only way that that choice can be rationalized is the truth imbedded in George Washington's words in a letter to Lafayette in 1788 in which he said that the only way the office of president could be transformed into a dictator or monarch would be if the people had entered "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity".

And he said additionally, "and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes."

Our first President explains the dichotomy.

But knowledge, in this case, is not a comfort to any of us who would like our country to continue to lead the world and continue to be great, as it has been all along and presently continues to be, donnie's delusions notwithstanding.

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