06 August 2024

Democrats: Please Don't Snatch Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

The components are in place for a presidential landslide and massive increases in the House and in the Senate for the benefit and well-being of the American People.

In no particular order other than stream of conscious (according to Senator John Kennedy of Louisianna that's how donnie thinks, so, OK, let's us do it too, just like the dildo).


1. Tim Walz looks good on paper; he looks/sounds better on TV, and he looks/sounds best in front of a crowd.  As we have seen in the last two weeks, Vice President Harris also comes to the campaign with those various strengths in abundance.

Nice opportunity for some synergy.


2. donnie is all over the floor like a bowl of gone-bad whipping cream that got dropped when decanted from its bottle, dropped because it smelled vile: he has nothing substantive to say about what a second donnie term would offer the American People, but he has a vast hoard of hate, racism, invented enemies, puerile playground taunts and irrational - and, yes, Senator Kennedy - stream of conscious, un-parsable blithering.

Probably too old for the challenge; for sure hasn't a full load of bricks; we got four years of all of that already; only morons would ask for more.


3. Candidate Kamala has brought in a third of a billion dollars in campaign donations - mostly small first-time stipends - in the last two weeks.

Gonna be interesting to see if there is a "Walz Effect" in donations now.


4. Flexibility is not a republican strong point.

Extracted from Steve Benen at MSNBC: 

Donald Trump and the Republican Party spent two years preparing for one thing: a 2024 race against President Joe Biden. The GOP nominee and his team knew what they wanted to say, how they’d say it, when they’d say it, and to whom they’d deliver the message. ... Republicans at least had something resembling a plan.

And then Biden passed the torch.

... Republicans — when they weren’t targeting Vice President Kamala Harris with racism and sexism — were reduced to focusing on her laugh, her affection for Venn diagrams, and weird complaints about plastic straws.

... One Fox News personality apparently thought it’d be a good idea to talk about the Democrat enjoying wine. Another spent some time focusing attention on Harris hugging people. ... Kevin McCarthy whined ... that the incumbent vice president didn’t call him during his congressional tenure ...

... there’s the GOP nominee himself ... who spent much of last week questioning the vice president’s racial identity in deeply ugly ways.

When that message didn’t resonate ... the Republican spent much of the weekend asking people to believe the vice president is an idiot.

... In a succession of Truth Social posts after calling off his planned ABC debate with Harris, Trump called Harris “low IQ,” “dumb,” and said she lacked the “mental capacity” to debate him ... 

Leaves a lot of room for Kamala and Tim to talk about an actual agenda, some of which should be: guarantee women's sovereignty over their physical beings; a universal, affordable childcare system; a universal, affordable health care system; massive and affordable extension of our embarrassing broad band communications system; taxing accumulated wealth, not paychecks; a universal, affordable long term care system; a buttressing, enhancement, reinforcement  and continuation of the most successful military alliance in history; implementing a system of universal free tertiary education; architecting and implementing a twenty first century rail system; passing the immigration bill that already exists, into law, thus setting the stage for a real and effective immigration system that allows America to continue to tap the pent up strength of all of humanity as we always have, and acknowledging that such tapping has made us, already, great. 


So all I ask, all I pray is, Democrats, please think long and hard about the structure, intent and message of every second, every minute, every hour of the imminent convention.  

Don't let a minute pass without ridiculing donnie with "weird"; don't let a speech pass without specifically hammering home an understandable and tangible agenda item and its expected benefits; don't let a camera pan pass that doesn't reinforce our unity, diversity and strength as a free and sovereign people, of color, or not, of religion, or not, and all together as proud mutually accommodating citizens of the United States of America; don't let a song be sung that doesn't somehow amplify the message that we are already great and we are great because we are one.

In fact, maybe the Convention ought to have as its slogan "E Pluribus Unum".

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