28 June 2015

Waiting For The Ferry - Again

It was warm this morning: 73 degrees when I got to the ferry line.

I was first in line.

It had taken me only an hour and forty minutes to get there, a record time.

I bought a cup of coffee and a small bag of Tim’s chips: my favorite breakfast – genuine Northwest cuisine.

By the time I was finished savoring each individual chip and waiting for the coffee to cool below the scalding level I had surprisingly little time left before the ferry would heave into view and I would be motioned to drive on board.

I decided little though the time would be I would use it looking for interesting images to capture.

I got a few.

anacortes goldfinch 062815 00000

anacortes boardwalk 062815 00000anacortes ferry 062815 00000anacortes grasses 062815 00000anacortes reeds 062815 00000anacortes white flower 062815 00000anacortes yellow flowers 062815 00000

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