24 September 2017

Screen Saver 092417

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Welcome To The Sweeps

I know this is not remotely original, and has been the structural basis for vast numbers of donnie jibes over the last year, but I am actually dazzled by the scope, depth, swiftness and completeness of the conversion of the United States into a weirdly heuristic reality show, anchored by the evil entity of glob.

It has really happened.

At least North Korea has so far confined their contributions to beautifully and humorously written bombast and CGI videos.

23 September 2017

Otherwise You Are Screwed…

I was at The Galley recently.

I was half way through my martini and well on my way to deciding what I was going to order for dinner.

I was sitting next to friend and enjoying our aimless conversation.

He is one of those people who knows how to do anything that requires carpentry, masonry, electricity, etc. etc. etc..

And he makes an excellent living from using those skills.

The conversation was wandering dangerously close to why there are so many people who are down and out in America

Out of nowhere I had a thought I had never had before.

“You have skill; I got lucky; and some are born rich.  Otherwise you’re pretty well screwed.”

“That’s scary” I said.

“No, that’s America” my friend said.

So much for the American dream: another bogus flim flam bites the dust.

20 September 2017

Screen Saver 092017

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Claw, Tooth and Blood

My wife took this picture this morning; we think the wings are of a hawk that only minutes before had been surveying the tree where the birds that use out feeding station like to stage their entries to the station.

We hope we are wrong.

We hope they are just random wings.


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