24 November 2019
21 November 2019
Fiction Or Lie?
20 November 2019
The Facts The republicans Want Forgotten
As they continue to say that the Mueller report was a 40 million dollar nothing, and as fat Billy II has his fictionalized version of the Mueller Report continue to stand as the official Justice Department version of the Mueller Report, we all need to remember what the Mueller Report actually said.
It said (quotation marks indicating that some one is speaking, not that this is a quote from the Report):
“There was massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
There were a large number of contacts between the trump campaign and the Russians.
We can’t find solid enough evidence of conspiracy by trump and his campaign to expect to prevail in court against the hyper rigorous legal requirements necessary to prove conspiracy.
This is significantly different from saying that the president is not guilty of conspiracy.
Collusion is not a crime and therefore has no part in this investigation.
The president has performed a large number of actions that could be obstruction of justice.
The only way to decide that issue is to prosecute.
Various factors preclude indictment of a sitting president.
There is, however, a constitutionally provided avenue for that prosecution.
Lacking the outcome of such a prosecution, we are unable to stipulate that the president is guilty of obstruction of justice or that he is innocent of that crime”.
Sondland’s Gambit
His testimony today has a lot of stuff, including a lot of obfuscation because he doesn’t take notes.
But the essence seems to be that of course there was a quid pro quo and an oval office meeting was the quo.
He also has said that he now sees clearly that there were two quos, the other being $400,000,000 in aid.
But that clarity he says is only now obvious to him.
In the thick of things he had no idea that the aid was contingent upon Zelensky doing what donnie wanted.
Now, with various revelations from the hearings, he can clearly seeing the duality of the quo.
I guess there must be some reason for that construct of facts and events.
I guess he is desperately trying to be an outsider dupe, not an inner circle conspirator.
The gambit will probably work.
I’m not sure I care.
Except that Rudy needs to keep his eyes open.
There is a bus hurtling his way.
19 November 2019
17 November 2019
Too Bad; He Says He's Healthy
(And for someone who doesn't smoke or drink he looks like shit.)
He may be dying but he's still donnie;
(That's a kinda heroic theme in the movie)
(I have no idea how the plot and the Constitution can be bent and hammered to yield that result, but that's why there are script writers.)
16 November 2019
Peut-être Une Raison Pour Les Gilets Jaunes?
13 November 2019
CrowdStrike Is The Name
(I have no idea; that’s just what donnie keeps bleating about).
It is said to have been taken by Joseph of Arimathea to Ukraine.
I have a suggestion.
I picture a round table with donnie, the Second Biggest Little Green Man, presiding over a convocation of knights of the realm: Crazy Rudy, Fat Mike I, Fat Mike II, Gordon the Hotelier, Bret the Beer Drinker, Super Skier, Stevie the Impaler, Mick the Multi-Processor and Kellyanne (nickname deleted), among others.
From that round table they must all be sent forth unto all the lands of the world mounted upon ivory white steeds in search of that server.
The fate of the Republic rests upon it: absence is sometimes liberty’s best defense.
The Second Biggest Little Green Man
Based on the testimony so far, donnie doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine.
However, he does deeply appreciate the value of Ukraine as a story line for his re-election campaign – you know, donnie refuses anti-Russian military assistance until Ukraine says some critical words: “we are investigating the Bidens (they don’t need to actually do it, just say it)”
Withholding that aid strengthens the Biggest Little Green Man in his war in eastern Ukraine.
And donnie withheld that military aid.
So I guess that makes donnie – a huge, fat, orange-hued hulk – the Second Biggest Little Green Man.
That makes the president of the United States a vassal of the president of Russia.
But I guess we already knew that.
Kinda unsettling.