21 March 2023

But Of Course, Politics Trump The Constitution; But The Law Also?

 The verdict for Impeachment One of the dildo decided in the dildo's favor: "not guilty".

Since there were only 45 Democrats in the Senate for that trial, and sixty seven guilty votes were needed to convict, the dildo was, obviously, found not guilty.

The verdict for Impeachment Two for the same dildo was also "not guilty".

There were more Democrats - 48 - but not enough for a guilty verdict.

It was interesting, though, that seven Republicans voted "guilty".

The dildo is now long gone, off hatching government overthrows with Rudy, The Pillow Man and Ol' Sidney; they are moving with alacrity.

At Ol' Sidney's suggestion, they are building a time machine in support of their project.

And the ravenous MAGGOTs rail, rile and rescind.

Things look good.

For the dildo.

There are, however, various criminal probes nearing completion.

And most or all of them appear to say that the dildo is going to be indicted and/or arrested.

For actions that can be described as "crimes" if committed by everyday types of people.

Because the dildo isn't president anymore, he is an "everyday type of people".

So the dildo may land in prison.

Because he can't escape the law.

I heard someone say.


After taking advantage of the leverage granted them by the Constitution to vote "not guilty" in the impeachment trials, and after having the grotesque attendant advantage of having that be a political act, and therefore free of any moral significance, the republicans again arise.

They arise as a single being, a single populous shriek, a voice "of, by and for the people" - the "people" from whom they all have sprung.

They rail against the law of the land: "the dildo is above it" (the law of the land) they shriek.

We shall see.

I guess.

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