21 March 2023

Jon Stewart Says It Best In This Video

But here's a short prologue.

If you listen, really, really listen to the never-ending news stream that America has become, and translate what you are hearing, you will draw an interesting conclusion: most Americans don't make enough money to live in America.

And there is a reason.

And that reason is that all the money is in the hands of a few people.

And they won't let loose of it: they won't pay taxes, and, if they are employers, they won't pay their employees.

So neither of the obvious resources for keeping an individual or a family afloat are available: government services or a decent paycheck.

In the infrequently periodic occasions when workers get some leverage - like during the recent pandemic - and force employers to pay them, the employers just crank up their prices.

And that makes wage increases a costless action for the employers.

It also increases consumer prices: inflation.

The macro-economic solution to that temporary worker leverage is to raise interest rates until massive unemployment is created so that the workers are brought back to heel.

And the employers get to keep their higher prices and continue not paying taxes.

That's gonna blow up someday.

The Inflation Blame Game

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