Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Seeing Through Political Gloom

I am beginning to hear a recurring political question.

It has various forms, but it can be boiled down to "how on earth is Biden going to run against Desantis?"

 Any among us who care about our country, and/or are political junkies, are probably asking themselves some version of that question.

It's interesting how that question brushes aside donnie the dildo.

But I think that that is a valid brush aside.

donnie has slipped into some netherworld of delusion that isn't very interesting.

Most of us are put off by delusions and "The Base" doesn't like things that aren't shiny objects - a classical description of "disinteresting".

That doesn't seem to bode too well for donnie: delusional and boring might not be a winning ticket.

Let's hope.

So, with Biden fading into a world where the only sound for two years will be Fox Jackals in tandem with Jim Jordan shouting at the top of their lungs about - whatever - it seems hard to imagine how Joe can ever run a campaign in 2024, let alone win it.

I'll grant that he's a street fighter, so it could happen.

It just doesn't seem too likely.

Ronnie and his Prop-Wife-Prom-Queen look like shoo-ins.

In 2024.

Republicans love that shit (Props-Wives and Prom Queens).

2024: a nice year to end the Republic.

We will have made it to 237.

Pretty good.

For a republic.

As a political junkie, I have some thoughts, though.

If Biden were to step down, the obvious answer to who might be the Democratic candidate, Gavin Newsom, has too many flaws, I think.

(All I see is a never-ending dark money sourced campaign ad, posted ostensibly apolitically, with Newsom's ex-wife shouting "The Best is Yet to Come" and then having a shot zooming in on their divorce decree).

That's really subliminal, isn't it? 

Buttigieig can't gracefully get around Kamala Harris, and the wreckage that would result from him trying would be fatal.

I don't think Kamala is a president, and I think everybody who matters knows it.

I voted whole heartedly for Hillary Clinton and firmly believe that she was one of the best qualified candidates for the office in our history.

I believe that our nation is weaker for not having had her as our President.

So don't ding me with not thinking a woman is up to the office.

In fact my choice for Biden's running mate was Stacy Abrams.

That was because, with an old man as president, I wanted someone who could take over the office, kinda like Harry Truman, and hit the ground running.

And Stacy was the one - at least among the women who were on the short list - who could/would have done that.

But the problem that any Democrat with presidential ambitions faces is that if Biden insists on running again, they have to challenge a sitting president, and that is always a loser for the challenger and a catastrophe for the sitting president.

The only thing I can think of is Biden dumps Harris and runs with Pete.  

I think there are some dynamics that might work there.  

But dumping a VP is pretty messy.

If that can't be made to work, I guess it's Adam Kinsinger and the Forward Party.

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