17 November 2018

Nice day In Paris

After two days of that trademark Paris low hanging gloom, just short of real fog, and well on its way to being frozen fog – a kind of weather, that for some reason, I love – today was brilliant blue.

So I took some pictures.

I always take pictures.

Today I took my little camera because I was going to Luxembourg Gardens, the day was brilliantly bright, my little camera has a 720 mm optical zoom that, when it is brilliantly bright, yields some spectacular results, and I wanted to see if the longer zoom and bright day could get me some great parrot pictures.

The parrots didn’t co-operate.

I heard a few, but they were few, and they were elusive.

But the Gardens always have some interesting stuff going on, so I got a few interesting images.

And later on, with a magic setting I discovered by accident several years ago, I got a couple nice post sunset scenes coming back from le Depart.

They look almost like shaggy manes

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I guess this is what they look like when they get older; I can empathize with that.

paris luxembourg gardens fungus 111718 00001

How many seas can a white dove sail?

paris luxembourg Gardens white doves 111718 00000

Pont Neuf

paris pont neuf after sunset 111718 00002

Boulevard St. Michel

paris st michel street scene 111718 00000

Le Depart St. Michel

paris st michel street scene 111718 00002

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