16 August 2022

Blood And Gore: A Poem For America

Of Course, I expect all who read this to realize it is total irony, and the fact is that in another, related post I said I might write this poem. donnie is a clear and present danger and his devil's spawn are going to bring the "rest of us" down such that we end up no better off than Afghanistan.  

 Blood and gore;

Let’s have a war;

Attack, attack;

And don’t look back;

They’re after donnine;

Not Louie or Johnny;

The gauntlet’s down;

Across the town;

And all over this whole great country;

So get your guns;

Get you knives;

Kiss your kids;

Kiss your wives;

And let’s all take back this country:

From the wimps;

From the queers;

From the blacks;

 And send out jeers;

To all those who would try to stop us;

Be sure to be loud and raucous;

About how we won’t be replaced;

And we won’t ever be chased;

Out of this place;

That we created;

With our white male christian toil and sweat;

And we will never let;

The other take it from us;


Blood and gore;

Let’s have a war;

Attack, attack;

And don’t look back;

It’s our destiny;

For you and me;

Let’s bring this whole thing down

Around our ears.

Courtesy of the donnie the dildo campaign fund for 2024

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