Tuesday, February 7, 2023

They Keep Blowing Up The Electrical Grid

I made a predictive post in early December.

I even followed it up a couple of days later with a follow-on post saying that the "plot was thickening".

The thickening continues: I am hearing more and more interviews with domestic terror experts saying that the proliferation (since this post the attacks keep coming - and I didn't know at the time - had already happened in Oregon and Washington) is going to continue, probably to crescendo, and that the proliferation has an objective.  

All the interviewees name generic white supremacy/nationalist sources, all of them small fry; no expert has been willing to say what the crescendo is heading toward in space and time, what great final crashing chord will bring the audience to its feet cheering insanely. 

I guess we have to wait until the several "Take Our Country Back" military sectors are implemented and announced in early 2025 to find out the obvious.

It is interesting to note that the only consistent - military - thing Puty does in Ukraine, when he isn't randomly blowing up train stations, supermarkets, childcare centers, churches, shopping malls, apartment houses, parks, schools, hospitals, maternity wards, restaurants, and highway crossroads, is the destruction Ukraine's power grid.

When I was in Vietnam, we used crossroads as targets of last resort when a mission had been unable to accomplish the primary, secondary or tertiary mission and needed to get rid of its bomb load (we didn't want that shit coming back to our air base); we also had an abandoned pottery plant that we targeted for bomb load jettison, abandoned because it had once been thought to be a strategic target and had been mercilessly reduced to semi-rubble - I was never sure how pots were a danger to the security of the American people - if we couldn't find a convenient crossroad. 


Here is the 4 December 2022 post, for reference:

"The news this morning tells of a significant power outage in North Carolina.

The outage is being characterized as "vandalism": unruly and disgruntled individuals randomly blowing up substations; "boys will be boys" and all that sort of thing.

It looks to me more like the first of, what I assume, will be many more practice feints preparatory to some ultimate country-wide coordinated thrust to break our nation into several smaller militarized zones under militia control.

After executing some large number of follow-on test thrusts against the nation's infrastructure during 2023, "Operation Restore the Donald" is scheduled to depart the practice round and become a full-scale insurgency in early 2024.

We will know the bell has been rung when the republicans follow donnie's dictate and terminate the Constitution." 

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