Sunday, February 19, 2023

Trickle Down Truth Has Started To Raise Its Head

 GOP operative sentenced in scheme to funnel Russian money to Trump campaign
Story by Sareen Habeshian • Yesterday 8:41 AM

The above referenced news item caught my eye this morning; it's off an MSN newsfeed.


I read the Mueller Report and documented my reading here with periodic posts during the course of my reading.

So anyone who has read any of them is going to say, "there he goes again; pickin' on Ol' donnie".

So let's start pickin': the next four sentences (italics) summarize what I have said previously.

The Mueller Report documented numerous cases of trump affiliates and family in deep contact with the Russians.

But Mueller said that conspiracy - even with numerous documented probable instances - is too difficult to prosecute.

The Mueller Report documented in detail ten instances of what was hard not to see as obstruction of justice, and called it such, but then went on to say that the Justice Department couldn't indict a sitting president.

Fat Billy controlled the report, so before it was released to the public, he went on the news streams and proclaimed that the Mueller Report totally exonerated trump.

How documentation of crimes described as too difficult to prosecute and crimes jurisdictionally unprosecutable constitute exoneration is something of a mystery.

But the proclamation worked.

The press and everybody else said, "well shit, why do I want to read all that if it exonerates Ol' donnie"?

So, rather than reading it, they moved on to the next crisis, of which we manufacture so many on a daily basis that it is difficult not to think that we have a Crisis Crisis in America.

But back to Mueller.

A question screams to be asked.

Why would a man with the reputation, track record, integrity and acknowledged deep skill in pursuing crime blink when presenting a several hundred page documentation of manifold and multiple?


There are those who say that he was merely handing prosecution of the crimes off to the Constitutionally designated prosecutor and court: the House and the Senate.

We saw how that came out.

The prosecutor prosecuted but the jury was rigged.

So the verdict is left to History.

As the facts of the case begin to trickle truthfully back onto the scene, without Fat Billy umpiring them, that jury - ultimately the only real jury - is beginning to get the truth.

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