Why did 374 armed and armored multi-organization police remain outside a room where one gunman, armed with one AR 15 was killing a room full of children and their teachers?
The primary, and obvious, answer is that most of the victims were not white.
That answer, of course has not had any press coverage.
But, upon the silence generated by that not promulgated answer, has been superimposed another, almost as profound, silence.
However, little squeaks of an answer leak out through that profound silence (it's been a year; and all we get are little squeaks; I'm glad I'm not one of the Uvalde parents; but I feel as if I were.)
The little squeaks say that it seems that the 374 good guys with guns didn't want to take on the one bad guy with a gun because the gun the bad guy had was an AR 15 - you know, the one with the massively loaded, small caliber, tumbling hamburger-maker of a bullet - and their armor wasn't up to the job of keeping the tumbling 223 caliber death device from killing them.
One might ask if it was very likely that one bad guy was very likely to kill all 374 of the good guys, but that question points nastily back to the primary answer - above.
And nobody in power, least of all the Governor of Texas, wants that question to be asked.
Somebody might answer it.
So, apparently, we are letting answer two, the little squeak, stand: 374 armed cops are no match for one guy with an AR 15.
That causes another question to be asked.
"Why are those guns legal?"
That's what I thought almost right away. In addition, the NON-responders did not want to be bloody blasted apart as they died...identifiable only by either DNA and/or their shoes. Did you notice that with the (almost) latest shooting at the mall in Texas, all the victims (with one exception) were either Asians, or people with brown faces? I've seen no mention of this.