16 May 2024

A Curious Confluence?

 November 29, 2006, I was walking along Avenue Rapp in Paris.

I was brought up short by a Christmas display in a window of one of the shops.

I took several pictures of it and saved it for some, at that time, unknown future purpose.

I had been thinking for several years of making a meaningfully customized Christmas card each year, but had never gotten around to it.

That changed in 2010 when I made my first of what was going to be a yearly card.

This year's version is already complete and ready to be printed, signed, enveloped, stamped and mailed.

Every year I wanted to use that picture from Avenue Rapp but was never able to figure out what the annual poem/message would be.

Until 2018, when I did figure it out.

Here it is - not in card fold format, but in PDF printed format.

This morning, 18 years after that Avenue Rapp encounter, I was again brought up short by an image.

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