29 May 2024

Henri IV In The Snow


I took this picture one morning when I woke up pretty early and found it to be snowing - really snowing - in Paris.

I don't know why I took this picture, but I'm glad that I did.

Henri IV was one of those kings that only come along almost never.

But they occasionally do come along, and have come along, and sometimes they even change things.

For the better,

Henri built Pont Neuf, and that's better.

Than not having Pont Neuf would have been.

If there had not been or were no Pont Neuf, I would not have any aspirations for a post death ritual.

After which, dinner at la Citrouille.

And, here and now, that sort of aspiration looms larger and larger.

But I guess I am getting ahead of things.


Here's a little snippet about Henri.

Henry IV is famously associated with the saying, “I want there to be no peasant in my realm so poor that he will not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday.”

Pretty advanced for the sixteenth century.

That from the King, yet.

Too bad that Henri was assassinated by a religious nut (Henri promulgated the Edict of Nantes and god fearing Catholics hated him for granting religious freedom to other persuasions) before he was able to do all the good that he probably had on his mind.

That was in 1610.

Over 400 years ago.


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