26 June 2017

Screen Saver 062617

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You can always tell when a picture was taken in 2010.  My Sony NEX 5 had that little triangle as an unwanted bonus feature.  Neither I nor anyone at Sony could figure out how to get rid of it.  I took a few of the little pointy problems out of special images with Photoshop; these several years later I am glad I left most of them; they are sort of a time stamp;  by the time I got back to Paris in 2012 I had upgraded to a NEX 7, sans triangle.

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The spiral staircase of the apartment I sometimes occupy on Isle de la Cité…

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Parc Monceau

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Over by l’Arsenal de Paris and La Bastille on January 2 of some year.

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This is as close as I have ever gotten to getting the lights on La Seine captured in an image.  The real thing is the real thing; this is a pale reproduction.

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The Screen Saver served up this cropped image I shot with telephoto from the fourth floor of my apartment on Quai aux Fleurs; that apartment allowed me to be flaneur and voyeur both at once.

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There is a bird dead center of this image.

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And there is a bird in this sack. This bird is great for dinner and the leftovers, and a half baguette ordinaire, makes a great sandwich to eat by the little lake at Parc Montsourris.

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