17 September 2018

Screen Saver And Paris

I have an image file that contains 700 GB of images.

That’s a lot of images.

A lot of those images are of Paris (on one trip a while back I took a new camera that came out of the box and went on the plane with me; before the trip was over – it was five months that time – I had rolled the image counter past ten thousand back to zero).

I have my screen saver set for pictures and the file at that huge image file.

So I see a lot of images that I haven’t seen for a long time, or maybe even remembered, when the screen saver is operating.

A lot of those are  random images of Paris.

What a marketing program for the City of Lights.

I have begun saving some of these images that are randomly charming – at least to me.

Here are a few of them.

Starlings taking a bath near the Eiffel Tower.

paris starlings bathing by the eiffel tower SC 091618 00000

Crows eating persimmons in le Jardin des Plantes.

paris crows in the persimmons SC 091618 00000

You figure it out.

paris russian orthodox church SC 090918 00000

A spider that spent four months outside on my patio.

paris spider SC 090918 00000

A merle noire.

paris merle noire SC 090118 00000

My family in le Jardin de Luxembourg.

mysti joe and ann claire in jardin de luxembourg SC 090218 00000

A meerkat at the Paris Zoo.

meer cat at the paris zoo SC 072818 00000

In le Jardin des Plantes.

une peruche de jardin des plantes SC 072818 00000


water lillies at giverny SC 071518 00000

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