This afternoon I heard donnie bleating.
But donnie is always bleating.
Today the bleats were more sinister than normal donnie bleats.
He said that he was pretty close to closing a deal with the Saudis in which the United States would fight some kind of war with Iran and the Saudis would pay him – donnie – for it.
Allegorically I saw a few red flags.
One was that it would really be better if the Senate declared war, not donnie; there is something in the Constitution about that.
Two was that I had to wonder if the young men and women who have volunteered for military service knew at the time they volunteered that they were going to be fight-for-fee contractors hired out for engagements pretty much like a janitorial service.
Three was I wondered if the mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and – oh you get the trend here – were ok with their kids and siblings being thrown into a hopper of havoc just so a fucking moron can feel good about himself.
Four was – I decided that it was pointless to mention this – that the Saudis paying donnie probably violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
But we are in a post Constitution America.
Just ask Mitch.
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