23 September 2019

The Problem We’ve Got …

Is not donnie the dildo.

Or donnie the traitor;

Or donnie the mafioso bullshit artist;

Or his legion of stumble bums, Ruddy Giuliani chief among them.

Our problem is that the other side of America’s political apparatus, the republican party are all complicit in the currently ongoing coup d'état.

They can’t all be so stupid as to think that trump has anything like a president in him.

They can’t all think that all of donnie’s attacks on average citizens, the opposition and the free press are normal presidential behavior.

But they have all bowed and scraped and said “sounds good to me”.

The problem we have is that we are in need of a mass impeachment of the republican members of both houses of the United States Legislature for treason; and that, obviously, will never happen.

I would happily accept as a sacrificial offering, having ol’ Mitch sent to the Tower for life; and I would cheer as the ravens ate his sorry ass carcass after he finally died in chains.

But this is America, not Britain in 1686.

Too bad for me and my hopes and dreams.

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