28 September 2020

Images For A Bleak Time In Our Lives: (donnie, Amy And All Of That)

I guess she just saw donnie.


In Rouen: Rue St Romaine; great creperie there.

From la Grande Arche in La Défense

Les Tomates

Pont Sully on the right side.

Used to be the George Bush Memorial; now it's dedicated to donnie the dildo.

I had to walk a long way to get this picture.  And Prune - highly touted, and along the way, wasn't worth a shit.

I love these things.

This was one of my favorite markets in Paris until it disappeared one day.

On the right side quai just across and down toward Pont du Carousel I saw this cormorant.

At Anne Claire and Joe's place in Tennessee.

In the woods on Lopez Islane

Lopez bee on thistle; these are native honey bees; we have very few of the European variety.

All females; the males come out late in the day.

Somewhere in Entre Deux Mers

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