18 June 2022


 I think I have mentioned before that I have my screen saver pointed at a massive file of images that I have taken over time.

When I am sitting idle at my computer, the screen saver starts after five minutes.

What ensues has two functions, both useful to me.

First, it is an on-going dementia test: if I can remember where I took the image, I must still be OK, I tell myself; it's surprising how many I remember - most of them; maybe I just make stuff up,

Second, it's a curating assistant: a quick print screen and a little Photoshop et voila, a new long forgotten image complete with name goes to the archive.

I usually post a few of them every now and then, but recently I have not been doing that.

So, there is quite an unposted backlog.

Here are a few of them.

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