10 July 2022

A Gil Pindar Moment

 It was one of the oddest experiences I had ever had.

It was the scene in Midnight in Paris where Gil Pindar is sitting on the steps of a church.

I knew exactly where those steps were; I had never known for sure where any scene I had ever seen in a Paris themed movie was shot, but I knew where those steps were; and they had some sort of significance that I couldn't explain, so I was not only surprised to recognize them but to share the feeling of significance assigned to them in that scene in the movie.

They had made that impression on me a year before I saw the movie.

So, when my wife and I spent some time in Paris in 2012 one of the first pictures was:

The church is Saint-Étienne du Mont.

I think the steps in the movie were a different, smaller set back to the left of the image, down the hill - on rue Montagne Sainte-Geneviève.

Somewhere I have that image also, but this one pretty well tells the tale.

That notwithstanding, the Peugeot never showed up.

I'm going back later this year.

I'll try again.

At Midnight. 


  1. I love that movie...time to watch again!

    1. We watched it for the 500th or so time a couple months ago.
