15 December 2016

A Slightly Different Approach

From sun up today it was absolutely beautiful.

That caused me to come up with a new idea: don’t go get bread; don’t have petite dejeuner in; don’t shower; don’t screw around in the apartment until 1200 or 1300.

Just get out on the street and see if there are any images lurking that you haven’t taken before.

The back drop for this is that for the last several days I have taken almost no pictures; that has never happened before.

So I bought a croissant for road fuel and headed out on the down the Seine to Pont Austerlitz and across to le arsenal de Paris and up to La Bastille then to the stairs leading up to La Promenade Plantée.

And then to Bois de Vincennes and then decide what to do.

The idea was to see if the light at that time of the day would inspire some new pictures.

It did.

The idea also was that I would be pretty hungry by 1500 when I got back to my part of town and I could justify bacchanal for lunch somewhere.

It did.

Almost immediately as I got down on the river, the downstream tip of Isle de La Cité looked like an image.

paris 2016 downstream end of isle de la cite 121416 00000

Then as I continued up river a bunch jumped out and got caught.

paris 2016 pont neuf at noon 121416 00000

paris 2016 pont neuf at noon 121416 00001

paris 2016 under pont st michel 121416 00000

paris 2016 notre dame from under pont st michel 121416 00000

paris 2016 graphic under pont st michel 121416 00000

Then I got down the quai toward the cop dock.

paris 2016 landscape scene on le seine 121416 00000

And the sun spoke to me next.

paris 2016 sun in the greenery 121416 00000

After crossing Pont de Austerlitz and getting past Opera de Bastille and getting up on la Promenade I only took one picture.

paris 2016 rose on la promenade plantée 121416 00000


And at Porte Dorée the gold guy through the trees caught my attention.

paris 2016 the gold guy at porte dorée 121416 00000

And the boeuf bourguignon at La Frégate was absolutely delicious.

I was too busy eating it to take a picture, but suffice it to say, it was replete with lardons.

I really like lardons

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