05 December 2016

The Devil But It Was Really The Bois

As I crossed Pont Bir Hakeem I was compelled to take another picture of la Tour Eiffel; the light was different from any that I could remember, at least in the last few years, and the day was beautiful.

paris 2016 la tour eiffel 120516 00000

On the far side of the bridge, just before the hill and steps loomed, I took a picture that I took previously in 2005 for my friend Tom; I took it then because this establishment is named after John Kennedy, and Tom was a life long Democrat; I took it this time in memoriam – Tom died in 2006 – and because it has a new awning since 2005.

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Les Chateaux des Isles – I think that is what it is called – is on an island in le Bois de Boulogne; they have a boat that takes patrons back and forth. I have never gone to it.  But I will someday.

paris 2016 the boat to le chateau des isles bois de boulogne 120516 00000

The woods are the real reason why I go here; I once set a video of this walk to music.

paris 2016 autumn in le bois de boulogne 120516 00000

Just as is the case with la Tour Eiffel, Notre Dame always has different light on it; so I am always beguiled and images, if I have a camera, ensue.

paris 2016 notre dame at sundownl 120516 00000

And then, after a late lunch at le Depart St Michel, the devil took control of my shutter.

paris 2016 woman on quay 120516 00000

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