13 December 2016

Not Much Today

I walked from the apartment down the Seine to Pont d’Iéna and back down to Pont du Carousel and then back to Pont Royal (yeah, walking in circles, looking for pictures) and a really late lunch at la Frégate.

I didn’t see much to take pictures of.

But I noticed a fairly permanent looking homeless site under Pont de l’Alma that seemed worth taking an image of.

paris 2016 homeless camp under pont de l'Alma 121316 00000

And there were six games going on Pont d'Iéna.

paris 2016 shell game on pont d'iena 121316 00000

And I thought this was a pretty pretty boat.

paris 2016 pretty boat on la seine 121316 00000

And while eating my onion soup and drinking my grande verre de côte de Rhone at La Frégate I posted the following on Facebook:

“I am at La Frégate having a late lunch.

A while ago a woman came in and was escorted to a table directly opposite me.

As she was seated I had a twinge of recognition.

She was affecting – but didn’t really look like - Sarah Palin.

So of course I watched her like a hawk.

The upshot of that surveillance has been, she came in with her own bottle of water, and as it developed, her own sandwich.

She did order a cup of coffee.

Maybe it was Sarah, after all.”

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