07 December 2016

Potpourris de 7 Decembre 2016

Today I looked at the map before launching another walk to Parc Monceau.

That preparation allowed me to get to the Parc today, instead of wandering off into the outer darkness as I did the last time I tried to make this journey.

The route included walking down le Champs Elysées through the seasonally erected Christmas Marché which is the most amazing collection of meat, cheese, wool hats, 3-D hologram glass ornaments and waffles that one is likely to encounter anywhere.

I really wanted to take some pictures of the excess but there just wasn’t anything interesting enough.

And the malheurissementness of the whole scene was heightened by the incessant American Christmas music.

God I hate American Christmas music – except Elvis, Merle Haggard and The Beach Boys.

I got all the way to the Parc before I took a picture which turned out to be a rose.

A merle noire also got a capture.

The rest is just a stream of conscious wander down the streets of the most beautiful city in the world.

Except I need to mention: they are shooting The Passion here and tonight the lights are up on quay de Conti.

So there are three of those images.

paris 2016 parc monceau rose 120716 00000

paris 2016 parc monceau merle noire 120716 00000

paris 2016 parc monceau seed pods 120716 00000

paris 2016 seine chestnut leaves 120716 00000

paris 2016 seine terns 120716 00000

paris 2016 gibert jeune 120716 00000

paris 2016 seine movie lights 120716 00000paris 2016 seine movie lights 120716 00001paris 2016 seine movie lights 120716 00002

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