20 December 2016

The Next To The Shortest Day Of The Year

It was apartment cleaning day which meant that I needed to get out and stay out.

So I decided to leave as close to 1100 as possible – it turned out to be 1130 – and walk for two hours to Bois de Vincennes and then take the metro back; and if that all worked out symmetrically, the plan was, I would end up somewhere near somewhere that I could have lunch about 1500.

Sans petite dejeuner, I stopped at Carton and bought a croissant for sustenance until 1500.

I decided to take a different route to le bois; so there are some new scenes here.

First, we have the answer to the question “what ever happened to le grande magazin Samaritaine?

(Answer: it is going to be a home for the beautiful people.)

paris 2016 samaritaine 122016 00000

Next I saw la Tour Saint Jacques which is what is left of l’eglis Saint Jacques; I think the church was destroyed during the Revolution. The gold guy is Saint Michel.

paris 2016 tour st jacques and saint michel 122016 00000

La Tour is close to City Hall so I took her picture.

paris 2016 hôtel de ville 122016 00000

I kept going along la côte droit of Isle de la Cité and took the bridge over to Isle de Saint Louis; as quickly as possible I went down some steps so I was on the quai at water level; I had to take a picture of a boat that appeared where you see it back on a dark dreary day in 2012 and has been there ever since; I thought a sunny day made a picture of it mandatory.

paris 2016 la seine 122016 00000

I have never seen La Seine as being other than – best case – cloudy; this is amazing.

paris 2016 rocks on the bottom of the seine 122016 00000

These steps lead down even closer to the river than I already was, and it leads to a reciprocal set of steps that go up to Pont Sully, which is where I crossed over to the mainland and Quai Henri IV. As an aside, there were two parrots screeching and flying around Henri’s Quai; that is in addition to sightings I have made down by the catacombs, on Quai Bernard, across from la Grande Palais and down by the cop dock; adding those new, this year, sightings to the ones that I have already documented in Parc Montsourris, Le Jardin de Luxembourg, le Jardin des Plantes and le Bois de Vincennes, makes me think that, in a few years, there will be as many parrots as there are pigeons – or at least crows or terns.

paris 2016 steps on isle de st louis 122016 00000

As I walked through l’Arsenal I finally got a decent picture of this bush; I have been trying for weeks.

paris 2016 red stemmed bush 122016 00000

Once on the Promenade I was once again beguiled by a rose.

paris 2016 paris rose on la promenade plantée 122016 00000

In le Bois some mistletoe caught my attention.

paris 2016 misteltoe in bois de vincennes122016 00000

And then there was the swan song on Lac Daumesnil.

paris 2016 swan on lac daumesnil in bois de vincennes122016 00000

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