18 July 2018

On The Ferry

I got slot one in the left middle lane.

I remembered to switch the anti alarm device on so I shouldn’t (I may have to make a donnie disclaimer of the “n’t” if the alarm goes off anyway - which it does sometimes) have to run down to the car deck to discipline my car.

And, being first in the cafeteria line, I was able procure an over priced plastic glass full of marginal red wine from San Juan Vineyards.

The vino Rossi they used to carry was too good, making it hard to keep in stock so they discontinued it.

The Yakima left about 10 minutes ahead of us in the Hyak, but since the Yakima has a wounded propeller, we passed it with ease about ten minutes ago.

If all of this is as mind numbingly boring to you as it is to me I apologize.

The Wine

The Yakima


The last one is from Frieda’s in Anacortes where I had a great lunch.
I always have lunch at Frieda’s or next door at The Brown Lantern Ale House.

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